Dragon Glass Enamel

Summer Camp 2024: A material that is resistant to decay

Dragon Glass Enamel is a material formed by fusing powdered Dragon Glass to a metal by firing it in a high-temperature kiln. The kiln must be hot enough to melt the Dragon Glass, as the melting and subsequent cooling of the powder is how the enamel is formed on the metal substrate's surface. This form of enameling prevents the underlying metal from oxidizing and is magically inert, which grants the enamel its favored position among mages.   Dragon Glass Enamel is more costly than traditional glass enamel, so it is typically used only for practical applications such as preserving sigils intended for long-term use.  


Dragon Glass itself was first created in 704 EoT as an accidental invention by glassblower Wimble Dannoumer. Dannoumer had been experimenting with glass additives and eventually added a mixture of powered Drake Stone and pyrolusite. The resulting product exploded, but Dannoumer noticed the shards were incredibly hard to break even in the thinnest pieces as he was cleaning the mess. He experimented with the combination further, and found that a lesser amount of Drake Stone yielded non-explosive, but still extremely crack-resistant glass, which he named Dragon Glass.   In 762 EoT, three years after Dannoumer's death, a rival glassblower by the name of Samwin Fearn attempted to combine metal and Dragon Glass in a single product, and discovered that she was able to melt the Dragon Glass before the metal, forming a protective coating. After months of trial and error, Fearn began to market the Dragon Glass Enamel, which caught on with local mages after discovering its magically inert property. Within the decade, Dragon Glass Enamel had spread across Soria, and has been in widespread use by mages since.
Common State
As hard as any quartz

Cover image: Soria Header by moonflower with Canva


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