BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Andrea Yllyrya (And-RE-a Il-LEER-e-a)

Andrea is one of the High Priestess and Druid of the Goddess Sivanah, greatly blessed by the shadows of her goddess. Early in her teens she was accepted into Magabyaa, where she studied to join the Rain Scribes Branch and specialized in primal and shadow magic. Even back then she was known as an animal lover and to be eager to help others, though she could be quick to anger and had no issues with lethality should the situation get that far. During her Masking Ceremony she made a mask dedicated to her Goddess, a Raven Mask.   Soon after she travelled home during a short break, when she returned her mask had turn jet black with the etching of the raven in it. At that point its said that she never took off the mask again, but her goddess rewarded her effort with two rare shadow mastiffs for her to raise. Andrea spent almost five years studying at Magabyaa before graduating as a fully fledge Lore-Speaker in the Rain Scribe branch and chose to stay for another two years both teaching and finishing her journey with the school to become a Halcyon Speaker before she left the school and her studies there. Her peers, many who have become Lore-Speakers in their own right, remember her channeling the illusions and shadows of Sivinah, the explosions from her primal order and if her friends or civilians were threatened, her bloody vengeance.   After returning home, Andrea was quickly pushed into a leader position in her goddess's worship where she flurished. She quickly spread the words of Sivanah in her region and beyond and in return the goddess blessed her. Her Blind Raven Mask that she still wore now took a red glow allowing her to see deeper; she was able to not only have a deeper bond with her Mastiffs, but also increase their breeding capabilities; as well as gaining the abiliity to travel between the border of the material and shadow planes.   Even now after all these years, the name Yllyrya is still greatly respected at Magabyaa, and Andrea still uses her connections to sponsor those in her family and faith who are similar to her when she was a child, those who don't quite fit in and those her have some issues learning the way the teach at home.   The last time she was at Magambyaa was to witness her nephew's Masking Ceremony, an act that she proud of. If a little annoyed at the boy for somethings that were mentioned to her by her old cohort member, now, Teacher Ulawa. However, she was even more proud that when the ceremony was assuatled by dozens of giant insects, Gaston had no issues with defending the school, its guests and its civilians.
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Arch Druid of Sivanah
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
She / Her
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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