Abadon Engine

A Soul Graft that is built into the torso of the user, using the heart (or whatever implanted heart they have) as its core.   The engine can take time to spin up, but once it does, it can kick the user's resilience and tissue regeneration into overdrive. Fantastic for Hanzers that take heavy hits for their teams, or anyone that lives in a combat zone.   The only downside, and the reason that it's not more widely used, is the incredibly amount of heat that the engine produces as it works. Take too much damage and you might just burn up from the inside, even as your wounds and burns close up.
Parent Technologies
Access & Availability
Restricted.   Official use requires a license.

Cover image: by NIghtcafe AI image generation, user provided prompt


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Oct 4, 2023 21:56

Cool! I like it!