North American Badlands

What the worst thing someone can say?   I'm from the government, I'm here to help.   With the advent of the corporate century, food was becoming a problem. There were more and more people, and less and less to go around all while driving up prices to astronomical degrees. The Siberian farmlands hadn't yet been cultivated, nor had the 1st Russian Agri-War destroyed much of that available land. In response, Commonwealth officials put forward a plan to turn the long-since tapped-out Southwest of the former United States into vibrant farmland.   All that would be required would be infrastructure work and a whole lot of magic. Nature magic has many sources, though they have long since dwindled by now, and a good few were exhausted as a part of this project. Gathered and shuffled together, they succeeded in their goal. The land was brought to great, blooming life. What we learned is that powerful magics invite opposite reactions. A fact we learned when a powerful Demon spawned amongst the verdant landscape.

Cover image: by NIghtcafe AI image generation, user provided prompt


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