Prazdny Foodstuffs

Due to the rising temperatures of the world (born from a myriad of causes), many places that were once too cold to grow anything have become able to do so now. In the expanse of Siberia, this became self-evident and a land-war quickly ensued between many national corps within the Russian sphere.   This conflict forged Prazdny Foodstuffs, who emerged as the sole owner of 97% of the Siberian breadbasket. It's only a shame much of that land was rendered infertile by the fighting of the 1st Russian Agri-War and the bioweapons unleashed to try and weaken the competition.   Prazdny maintains to this day that they did not deploy any such weapons.   Now-a-days, they provide food across the world and have expanded into every food-related market there is. At least of the ones that can be grown. Their soy, wheat, synth-fruit, algae, and seaweed options are found in every home below the sixty-fifth percentile, and eaten at least once a day by everyone below the eighty-fifth.

In Aureis Agris Ponemus


Cover image: by NIghtcafe AI image generation, user provided prompt


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