Specterstep Package

Produced by Wraithtech, the Specterstep Package is their flagship product, and it is sold in several subpackages. All are considered military grade, and legally require a license to use officially.   At it's simplest and cheapest, the user is given implants in the feet that reduce the sound of their footsteps to inaudable levels, even to those with augmented hearing.   At the midline package, the user stops producing noise at all, no matter how they move or flail around. This effect persists in a small area immediately around the user, so even if they knock into something it will not make any noise. They become weightless, though others will still feel them if they have to lift or carry them, and will not register on pressure sensors or things like landmines. Out of all that, the main draw of this package is the built in camoflague field. Near perfect invisibility as long as the augments batteries hold out. Alltogether a perfect augment for spies, snipers, and thieves.   At it's heighest package, you have the true Specterstep. The one that truly taps into the monsters is built from. All the previous benefits, but instead of near perfect, they're simply perfect. Standing still, no one will find you. Moving? People will simply think it a chill wind.   And then there's the true tactical flexibility that Specterstep provides.   The ability to dissasociate materially.   Walk through walls. Through people. Levitate through the floors of a corps tower, past all their guards and security. Become impervious to conventional weapons.   Just try and keep yourself straight throughout.

Cover image: by NIghtcafe AI image generation, user provided prompt


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