The largest and until recently only continent known to exist
It can be divided into 11 primary regions
The central area is V'lamyc,r home to the imperial heartlands.
to the immediate south of v'lamyc,r is the kethl forest which is very sparsely populated and serves as a favorite refuge of the less than moral
further south and to the east is tepid' home of the yke
north of tepid' is redor which is also owned by the yke however serving as a more militarized buffer zone.
north of redor is salm,t' home to both the dol whom live in the decyt mountains as well as the 5 free cities along the coast.
the dragons lie to the north in a land named after their leader muben
to the west of muben is gothe the devastated homeland of the syv,d which remains sparsely populated to this day despite colonization efforts
at the north west corner of the continent live the giants or k,lk,ri. this region is very heavily fortified and home to only one large city, that being t,ryq itself.
this region has no formal name but many just call it giant land
south of the giants is the shot' forest. this word roughly translated to unexplored with the connotation being that it is not for lack of trying. no one knows what actually happens here and few remain curious after all these years.
south of shot' is tude the inhospitable home of the kwi,ri. this land is home to very few settlements and is completely unsuitable for agriculture.
finally off the west cost of the continent is the land of v,lto. this archipelago kingdom remains mostly isolated from the rest of the continent.