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The board is composed of 90 intersections of 9 vertical files and 10 horizontal rows. The board has nearly the same layout as that used in xiangqi, except the janggi board has no "river" in the central row. The pieces consist of disks marked with identifying characters and are placed on the line intersections (as in xiangqi and Go in China). Janggi pieces are traditionally octagonal in shape, and differ in size according to their rank. The sides are Blue (or sometimes Green), which moves first, versus Red. Each side has a palace that is 3 lines by 3 lines (9 positions) in the centre of their side of the board against the back edge. The palace contains four diagonal lines extending outwards from the centre, forming an "X" shape.   Capital Ship The Capital Ship starts the game from the central intersection of the palace, rather than from the centre intersection of the back edge. The Capital Ship may move one step per turn along marked board lines to any of the nine points within the palace. There are four diagonal lines in the palace connecting the centre position to the corners. When the general is checkmated the game is lost. The Capital Ship cannot leave the palace under any circumstances. If the Capital Ships come to face each other across the board, and the player to move does not move away, this is a draw. If there is no move for the general to make without getting into check or checkmate, but it is safe for it to stand still, the person may pass their turn   Supply Ship The Supply Ship start to the left and right of the Capital Ship on the first rank. They move the same as the Capital Ship, one step per turn along marked lines in the palace. The Supply Ship are one of the weakest pieces because they may not leave the palace. They are valuable for protecting the Capital Ship.   Cruiser One point forward, backward, left or right plus one point outward diagonally. The Cruiser can be blocked.   Frigate The Frigate starts one point forward, backward, left or right, and then moves two points outward diagonally, like an extended Cruiser's move. He can be blocked anywhere along this path   Destroyer Moves as many points as he wishes, in a straight line, along the lines of the board. This is the same move as the rook, but note that the Destroyer can also move along the diagonal lines in the fortress, if he is already on one of these points. He can not jump over pieces   Artillery Ship The Artillery Ship moves along any straight line, including the lines within the fortress, but must have one piece to jump over.   Patrol Ship One point, either forward or sideways. Within the fortress, the pawn may also move forward along the printed diagonal lines.     Setting up In tournaments, the elder player, or higher ranked player, conceals a soldier from each side in their hands. The opponent selects a hand to determine their colour. After that, Han places their pieces first, followed by Cho placing theirs. (The reason both sides are not placed simultaneously is because the positions of horse and elephant can be transposed, giving some strategical advantage to the player who places last.) After the pieces are set up, Cho moves first.   Ending the game The game is won by checkmating the opposing general. This is called weh-toeng (외통). In Western chess, stalemate is achieved when no legal moves are possible. However, the stalemate is not a draw in janggi. The player must pass their turn when no legal moves are possible. If neither player can move legally, or if neither player can win because neither player has enough pieces, the game ends in a draw.   A player may decide to make a move such that their general faces the opponent's general unobstructed (a condition called bikjang). In this situation, the opponent can either call a draw, or make a move that breaks the condition. In many cases, the bikjang rule can be used to force the opponent to call a draw on a losing game, by forcing them to sacrifice a valuable piece to break the bikjang position. It may not apply in some games, and usually the players will consent on the validity of the rule before the game begins.   Check is announced by declaring janggun. Getting out of janggun is called meonggun, and one may declare meonggun while escaping from janggun. But it is not necessary to say janggun out loud.


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