Incarnadine I Geographic Location in Space Opera | World Anvil

Incarnadine I

Incarnadine I
Planet Type Terran Type 2 No Season, no moons, several rings, high level of meteor infall
Orbital Distance 82,335 LS (165 AU)
Length of Year 147 Terran years
Length of Day 43 hours 41 minutes
Planetary Diameter 13,100 km
Surface Gravity 0.85g (moderate)
Temperature Range -30°C to 35°C
Atmosphere Type Terran standard 670mm O2 slightly high at 139mm.
Hydrosphere Type 67% 5 continents and numerous islands. Standard type 2 climate with precipitation acceptable and congenial at middle latitudes
StarNationality Independent planet: League Protectorate
Sentient Race Native Humanoids
Population 45,000,000 est.
Tech Level Tech/4-5
StarPort Rating League B Class 2 (Tech/8-9)
Sociological Data 1
Social Organisation Aristocratic Society
Societal Strength 5
Xeno Acceptance 13% prejudice
Government Type Feudal
Government Support 28% (Vote = 39%)
Loyalty Index 37% (Revolt = 14%)
Repression Index 18%
Bureaucracy Level Minimal
Corruption Level 9%
Law Level 10 - 12
Economic Rating Average Agricultural
Gross Productivity MCR 50,625
Per Capita Income CR 1,125
Tax% / Levy 28% = MCR 14,175
Military Spending 3% = MCR 425.25
Major Exports Food, exotic wood, wine
Major Imports Any manufactured goods & tools available
Trade Restrictions No goods over Tech/5 to be imported or sold
Trade Acceptance 75% A +2 premium for simple Tech/4-5 tools is available on imports

The natives of Incarnadine are characteristically red of skin due to the colour of the light from the primary, but are basically human in genetic makeup. Anthropological studies have indicated that they are related to the Sularr of Arcadia due to the many similarities evident. The social organisation is one of large clans based on family ties but with clan size being sufficient to avoid inbreeding. The largest clans have around 7,500 members and inter-clan marriages are not uncommon.

The overall tech level is controlled by the League Protectorate which forbids the sale of goods above Tech/5 to the natives who are still mainly nomadic. Some have settled down to enjoy the benefits of league education, healthcare and trade. There is a small settlement of corporate colonists here (about 5,000 individuals) who oversee all the trade with the natives. The policy is a usual League one of raising the tech level of the planet through trade, though as most of the native population is dispersed the rate of advancement is slow and it will be many years before Tech/6 is reached.

Incarnadine I
StarSystem Co-ordinates 4.II.+16 Sardonicus Sector GSC 15.II.+000
Stellar Primary M1 Ib supergiant
FTL Conversion 50,000 LS
Planets in System 4 plus 1 asteroid belt