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Cirelian Government

The Cirelian government is made up of an Executive Cabinet and a Prime Minister both of which work as the Legislative and Executive branches of the government. The government's seat of power is on the planet Cirelia and is centralized in Natara City.

The Executive Cabinet

The executive cabinet is made of government officials elected by the people, with the population of each political region determining how many officials they get to represent them in the cabinet. The Cabinet has both Executive and Legislative powers and is headed by a president   The President is in charge of moderating and suggesting topics as well as holding some executive powers like dissolving the cabinet and suggesting people for certain positions, with the Cabinet’s approval, but overall the President doesn’t hold much power and is mostly an elected figurehead. The president is elected by the people by majority vote.   The Cabinet is also in charge of electing the Prime Minister, the head of government.

The Prime Minister

The Prime minister is the head of government in Cirelia and wields many executive powers such as the power to declare war, the power to veto legislative proposals from the Cabinet, and the power to elect a certain amount of people to the cabinet, including the power to elect the Cirelian Representative to the Galactic Coalition with the approval of the Cabinet.   The Prime Minister is elected to their position by the Executive Cabinet through a majority vote and the Prime Minister is often elected from among their ranks. The Cabinet may call for the Prime Minister to be removed from office through a vote of no confidence which requires a majority vote in order for the Prime Minister to be removed.

Court System

The Cirelian Judicial system is ruled by a court system where courts are used to interpret the law and punish people accordingly. It utilized Judges who decide whether or not the defendant is guilty or innocent, what laws were broken, and what the punishment should be.   Both the defendant and the plaintiff will have lawyers who present evidence and question witnesses on behalf of their client. The evidence is often collected and analyzed by Law Enforcement as well as other specialists.   Jury trials are not frequently used in civil cases, tending to be used in criminal cases and more serious cases. The purpose of the jury is to be presented with the evidence and provide a unanimous verdict on whether the person is guilty or not as well as to determine whether there is enough evidence for a verdict or not.


  • Cirelia Map
    Maps of the planet Cirelia
Planet of Origin 
Seat of Power 
Natara City


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