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Epran Slizard

Epran Slizards are a reptilian creature native to the planet Epra.


Epran Slizards are long reptiles, with an elongated snake-like body and two sets of short limbs. They have spine-like bones along the top and bottom of the head going along the spine, when threatened, the spines flare up, pushing up skin and muscle which them look bigger and more threatening; this flare is called a hood. Male hoods tend to be bigger than females.   They have narrow hades with small dark eyes and wide mouths with rows of small sharp teeth.   They do not move by using their legs, rather putting most of their weight on their stomach and slithering along. They really only use their limbs when they need the extra momentum or when they need to push themselves up to get a better view.   They are covered in scaly skin, which they shed every few months as they grow, and tend to be black and beige in color with small orange or yellow accent patterns.



Epran Slizards are carnivores, eating small animals including other small reptiles.


Epran Slizards are not very social, they rarely socialize with any other creatures including those of their own species really only being around each other when mating or when the mother is raising their young.   They are coldblooded and spend a lot of their time laying out on rocks and such soaking up the sun’s warmth and heat.   Epran Slizards reproduce by laying eggs in clutches of fifteen or twenty, the males have nothing to do with the young after the mating season but the mothers will care for the eggs and the young which hatch from them until they are fully grown and can care for themselves.   When threatened, Epran Slizards will rear up and flare their hood and will strike at the threat trying to bite it.


Epran Slizards do not have many uses, often only being kept as pets or zoological exhibits. Historically, they may have been hunted for meat and, while they may still be eaten for food in some more rural Tiq'en communities, they are not commonly eaten.
Planet of Origin 


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