Ocarran Weddings Tradition / Ritual in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Ocarran Weddings

Ocarrans have a variety of wedding traditions and customs which, while most popular in traditional and/or rural areas, are still often practiced by people on the planet.


Courtship on Ocarro is quite simple, with the couple who wants to marry, spending quality time together getting to know each other and their life goals to see if they would be a good match.   Historically, Parents would have influence over who their child would marry, and while they still have sway -especially im more traditional families- it is much less than it once was. For example, the parents used to be able to veto or pressure a proposed match.

Engagement and Marriage Ceremony

When one wished to get engaged, they would arrange for a dinner where them, their intended fiance, and the parents of the couple. At the dinner, the topic of marriage would be brought up, and depending on whether or not the parents and the significant other approve will respond and continue talking about marriage. If everyone involved agrees and continues the wedding talk, the topic of the when where, and what will be brought up. This is a custom that is still common on Ocarro, especially in traditional and rural areas.   The ocarran marriage ceremony is often held at the home of the local priest, with the priest being the one doing the officiating. A local government official or local elder may also be an officiant. The couple and everyone at the wedding, which is often just the close family of the married couple, would wear their best formal clothing often with added flare.   After the official wedding ceremony the couple and those attending the ceremony will leave, often in a parade but more modernly may be in some form of modern transportation, with lots of song and dance being done as the groups move to the receptions -often put together by the parents of the couple- where all the friends and family are waiting. After the wedding processions arrive, a feast is served and there is more singing, dancing, and music.   There is lots of gift giving at the wedding, with the elderly and older married couples who know the newlyweds being the ones to give the gifts as well as their advice -modernly given in card form- to the couple. Those younger than the couple and unmarried friends and family are not culturally obligated to give the newlyweds gifts but may still do so.
Planet of Origin
Culture of Origin


In traditional Ocarran marriage, women would move into the household of their spouse and would bring with them their dowry, often linens and material goods which would be stored in a marriage chest kept at the family home.


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