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Orak are a creature native to Enkor.


Orak are quite large creatures, with large muscular bodies often around five feet tall on average with lots of muscle and bulk for living in a high-gravity environment. They also have long tails. They have short sleek fur, more velvet-like than fur-like in texture, that often comes in neutral colors like brown and grey and they often have watery stripes that help them blend in with rocks and grass.   The males tend to be bigger and have larger tusks while the females tend to be smaller and have larger abdomens.   They have four digits on each paw as well as long sharp claws. They have strong necks and stubby faces with small eyes. They have small dark eyes and large powerful jaws with large upper tusks. Orak has powerful eyesight, especially at night, as well as good hearing and smelling capabilities.



Orak’s are carnivores who mostly eat meat from other animals. They hunt at night, often in groups working together, often by stalking until they are close enough to charge at them. They tend to go after the weaker straggling members of animal herds and work together to separate their target from the rest of the herd.   Orak have been known to hunt Ak’vinn, often the larger older ones who have a harder time taking off, by charging them while they are grounded before they can take off.


Orak live in groups, referred to as packs, and as stated earlier work together to take down their prey. They have a hierarchy in these packs with the eldest more experienced Orak being higher in the leadership and their children and any newcomers being below them in ranking.   Orak are also very territorial, using scent glands to mark their territory and to identify other Orak. When they feel threatened, like when their territory is invaded or if another animal tries to steal their kill, they may get in violent and bloody fights in which they use their tusks for attack and defense.   Orak give birth to litters of young, often having litters of four or five offspring at a time. The parents as well as the other pack members work together to raise the young. The hunters often leave the young with the elders of the pack when they go off to hunt.


The Orak do not have many modern uses other than being shown in zoological exhibits as well as for sightseeing on safari-like trips. They may be kept as exotic pets, but due to their volatile nature and large size, this is not legal in most governments and is heavily frowned upon in most cultures.   Historically, they have been hunted by Enkorians as a display of power with their pelts, tusks, and claws being seen as signs of prestige and power and used in high-class objects and clothing. These objects have also been seen as totems of spiritual power and strength for the owner.
Planet of Origin 


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