The Preka Shrub is a low-lying shrub native to the planet
The Preka shrub is one of the largest plants that grow on Ocarro’s surface but is still quite small compared to plants from other planets, such as the Ibosu Tree. The Shrub is covered in sharp spines and thorns that protect it and have short, waxy oval leaves. These spikes are a protective mechanism against animals and other creatures from stealing or damaging the plant or its seeds.
The Preka shrub is a deciduous plant, meaning that it loses its leaves and goes into a state of rest in the dry season before budding and growing in the next growing season or spring. The plant produces flowers in the late spring which produce seed pods that drop from the shrub by the mid to late summer.
The Shrub, although it is quite small at the surface had a large and deep root system which allows it to gather water in the dry ocarran environment. The plant's waxy leaves also help the plant to gather any water that may fall or gather on them.
The plant grows well in rocky and dry soil and can grow in many arid environments due to its root system and heartiness as a desert-dwelling plant.
The Preka bush is a quite common plant on the planet, with is commonly being grown in gardens and used to protect fences and such from large animals by utilizing their thorns. They grow quite well in the Ocarran mountains and in the valleys nearby.
The Preka shrub’s seedpods are edible, a good source of protein, and contain beans inside. The beans are often cooked -often after being dried- and used in many
Ocarran dishes, as well as a fermented paste made from the beans being a main condiment in many dishes. They are also commonly used as animal feed, especially after they have been shelled and are empty husks.
The bark and roots of the plant may be used in textiles or for cording in traditional ocarran culture. They still may be used modernly, but are more used in architecture and buildings rather than clothing as modern textiles have become more commonplace than traditionally made fabric when it comes to clothing.