WorldEmber2023 in Space Opera | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


“I, Peaches2003, pledge to write 10,000 words of worldbuilding this December for WorldEmber”
- Peaches2003

Week One

This WorldEmber I plan to expand and elaborate on the already existing planets, cultures, and people located in my Space Opera World. This means that I will be working on expanding the species for each planet, adding more cultural elements for each species, and adding friends and family for preexisting characters or making characters for preexisting organizations and places to interact with. Basically, I just plan to expand on what already exists in the world, expanding the stub articles to be around three hundred words each as well as expanding on preexisting concepts.

Week Two: Mini Meta

For this WorldEmber I am working on expanding on preexisting concepts in the Space opera world, such as adding characters for my already existing characters to have connections with and expanding into more cultural elements for each of the ethnicities. For example, I have been working on articles on the music and dance culture of Donora. I already have an organization for my space opera and will be putting the new articles into that system.

Week Three: Review Homepage

Prior to this assignment, my homepage was pretty bland being only a short few sentences long, now I have beefed it up to be around a hundred words long with a few different paragraphs. It only includes one link to my article on the Galactic Coalition, which I think is fine as that article explains a lot about the basic setting and has a lot of links to the different planets and systems as they are related to the Coalition.   I do plan on eventually revamping the homepage again, once I figure out how to draw a galaxy map, but until that happens I believe this update will do nicely.

Week Four: Last Minute Prep

For last-minute preparations, I am basically just making bullet point outlines for all my article ideas and working on some simple intro paragraphs for each article. I feel pretty well prepared for this year's WorldEmber.


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Nov 4, 2023 22:31 by Elspeth

Sounds like a good approach to take. Good luck!

Nov 5, 2023 02:22

thank you, Same to you :)