
Academics are the catch all for specialists of intelligent pursuits that might not fit within the other professions. This list includes everything from battlefield medics to treasure hunting historians. Scientists and geologists with a spacer edge find themselves in this category, and they can use their knowledge to help boost their allies' effectiveness.      

Level 1

  Combat Ability   Support: You can take the help action as a bonus action. When you use the help action to aid an attack, they just need to be within 30 feet of you. You also gain a free support class combat skill.   Secondary Ability   Research: You gain the ability to identify ancient tech and figure out what it does, so long you spend a long rest doing so. You gain a level of specialization in two of the following skills; Medicine, Biology, Investigation, History, Technology, or Science.   If you spend 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outside of combat, you can learn information about them. The DM will tell you if the creature you've targeted has an equal, superior, or inferior in regards to two of the following characteristics of your choice:
  • Intelligence
  • Wit
  • Charisma
  • Vigor
  • Class Levels (if any)
First Class Bonus   Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to either Intelligence.   Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Medicine, Technology, History, Biology, Science, Persuasion, or Intuition

Level 2

  Combat Ability   Support: You can now pinpoint a weakness on an enemy. Use your bonus action and make an attack against a creature. If you hit the next creature to attack they will have advantage. Costs 1 strain.   Secondary Ability   Research: When you use the research ability on a target, and attack that target within a week of using the ability. You must exert 1 effort to recall the information, and use your bonus action. If you do this, its next saving throw must be taken at disadvantage. You gain another specialized skill from the list above.  

Level 3

Combat Ability   Support: Your pinpoint strike now exceeds to the entire round, until your next turn all creatures will have advantage against the pinpointed creature. You must exert 2 weakness to use this upgraded version.   Secondary Ability   Research: You can spend your long rest learning a new skill and teaching it to your allies. You and your allies gain a one-time bonus to a skill of your choice until your next long rest. This bonus is equal to your intelligence modifier. You gain another specialized skill.   Ultimate   Improvement: You can exert effort and spend 1 action improving your team dynamics. For one minute, everyone in your group gains a +1 bonus to their AC, and can also add 1d4 to their damage rolls. This is only able to be done once per day.


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