
Aces are masters of the machine. With quick reflexes, years of muscle memory, and a little bit of luck, pilots have become the master pilots, star power racers, and unparalleled blockade runners of the Spacer Age. Aces showcase this skill by making additional moves during space and vehicle combat turns.   A true Ace can fly almost anything. From the bulky shipping freighter to the canyon racer, an Ace feels totally at home in any cockpit.      

Level 1

  Combat Ability   One with the Machine: You can take a second action from a second department during vehicle combat.   Secondary Ability   Moto: You are knowledgeable with all manner of machines. You gain a specialization in Pilot Land Vehicle and Pilot Flying Vehicle. You can also spend a long rest building and then installing a temp mod on your ship. Once per long rest you can change out a Level 0 mod on your ship. You also add your Ace Level to these checks.   First Pick Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to Manipulation.   First Pick Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Pilot Flying Vehicle, Pilot Land Vehicle, Slicing/Lockpicking , Technology, Modification, Repair, Science, Survival, or Perception.   Pilot  

Level 2

  Combat Ability   One with the Machine: Your reflexes are insane, you now gain advantage on saving throws made while piloting a vehicle. You can now dock and undock your ship with a free action. You also add your Ace Level to all checks made while piloting a vehicle.   Secondary Ability   Moto: You can build a vehicle out of whatever is available. You can spend a long rest assembling a hoverbike out of 500 credits worth of materials.  

Level 3

  Combat Ability   One with the Machine: You can now make 3 actions during space combat, one from each department. To do this costs 1 effort.   Secondary Ability   Moto: You know what a machine needs, and once a day during space combat you can spend 1 effort and 1 bonus action to instantly restore 2d8 hull poitns to the ship you are currently within.   Ultimate   Now this is Spacing!: Once per day you can expend 3 effort and gain this ability. You gain +2 AC while in a vehicle, and gain back 2 Hull Points each turn. You have advantage on saves while piloting and if you are to be reduced to 0 HP during combat, you are not destroyed until this effect is over. This effect lasts one minute.


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