
Bios are able to manipulate the living energy through psionics. This can manifest itself through powerful healing, or through deadly power.  

Level 1

  Taking the first level in this gives you the baseline Psi-Heal ability. You can exert 1 effort and an action to heal a player for 2d4. You must be touching the target to do so. You can do this as many times as your Bios level.    

Level 2

  Your psi-heal ability can now be used to anyone within 10 feet.    You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Restore: Clear a person of any disease or virus or any status impairing effect. This does not include mortal wounds.
  • Boosted Heal: Increase the amount of Psi-Heals per day by Biosionics Level, you now can increase the amount of heals by your psionic casting stat.

Level 3

  Your heal is now boosted to 2d4 + your psi casting power.   You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Last Stand: Touch a player, for the next minute they cannot go unconscious. They will still take damage and at the end of the Last Stand all that damage will be applied at once.
  • Major Restore: The Bios is able to restore a mortal injury, so long as it is within rounds equal to your bios Bios level.
  • Bios Aura: Once per Day you are able to, as a bonus action release a healing Psionic presence. Every friendly ally within 10 feet gains the benefit of a Psi-Heal. This costs 2 effort.

Level 4

  Your range now extends to 30 feet for your psi-heal.   You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Quick Heal: Your psi-heal is now a bonus action.
  • Morph: You can change the makeup of someone’s extremities. As an action you can turn a limb of a touched creature to a melee weapon of your choice.
  • Eradicate: Make an attack against a touched creature. They must make a vigor save against your psionics DC or suffer 8d8 damage.

Level 5

  Your range now extends to 60 feet, and all allies within that range gain a bonus to their physical saves equal to your level in Biospionics.    You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Enhance: Boost the stats of you or an ally for 1 minute. Gives them additional temporary hit points.
  • Reanimate: Once per long rest, the player can totally reanimate from the largest part of their corpse should they die. Each time this is done there is permanent stat damage that is chosen by the player.


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