
Chem-Dogs are skilled in the manipulation and application of the various mind-altering, and body altering drugs that have been discovered in the years post gate discovery. These wild chemists have taken everything from venoms from local super-fauna to body altering spores and made all manner of chemical to inject in their body, and those willing to become an experiment. They tune these effects to mostly last temporarily, as prolonged exposure to many of these drugs can prove fatal.   These drugs do everything from allow users to exist in the vacuum of space, to making them resistant to fire, lighting, or other types of poison. Some give the user temporary super strength, while others speed. Some give the user clarity of vision, while others can grant temporary psionic powers.  

Level 1

  Primary Ability   Chem-Stim: You gain the ability to craft stims that you can take an action to use. Once per day, you can craft three stims from the following list:   Boost: Determine which stat you want to boost when you make this chem. That given stat gains +2 for the hour. When it wears off that stat gains -4 until you take a short rest.     Secondary Ability   Spacer Doc: If a teammate has been mortally injured and has been stabilized, you can spend a long rest healing their mortal injury. Make 3 medicine checks adding your Chem-Dog level, against a check relevant to the injury.   Starting Class Bonus:   Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to either Wit or Charisma.   Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Medicine, Science, Technology, Biology, Investigation, Intuition, Perception, or History.  

Level 2

  Primary Ability   Chem-Stim: Now, once per day, you can nullify the negative effects of a stim you use, and can craft from the following new stim formulas:     Sight: For the next hour you can see invisible creatures. When this wears off the user goes blind for 10 minutes.   Jump: Gain back levels of effort equal to your chem dog level. After an hour you gain a level of exhaustion.   Secondary Ability   Spacer Doc: You can take an ability from the supporter class. You also gain specialization from one of the following skills:   Medicine, Science, Biology, Intuition  

Level 3

  Primary Ability   Chem-Stim: You can craft 3 more stims per day, for a total of 6. You can nullify the effects of two stims per day.   Secondary Ability   Spacer Doc: You can take another ability from the supporter class or general class. You also gain specialization in one of the skills from the following list:   Medicine, Science, Biology, Intuition  

Level 4

  Primary Ability   Chem-Stim: You can now apply two stims per-day.   Bulk: You gain resistance to a damage type of your choice for 1 minute. Roll a D4, on a 1 you gain a weakness to toxin damage, 2 you gain a weakness to psychic damage, on a 3 you gain a weakness to energy damage and on a 4 you gain a weakness to physical damage. If it is the same damage type you chose for a resistance, re-roll.       Secondary Ability   Spacer Doc: You can now help two allies per long rest. You can now also use a stim to instantly stabilize a mortally wounded character and bring them back to 1 HP.    

Level 5

  Primary Ability   Chem-Stim: You can now cancel the side effects of 4 stims per day. you can also craft the following stims:   Psi Juice: Roll on the psionic ability table, you gain that ability for 1 hour. When Psi Juice wears off, user gains -4 intelligence, vigor, finesse, and wit for the rest of the day.   Vision: Gains the ability to see creatures through objects up to 60 feet away for one hour. When vision wears off, the user becomes blind for 10 minutes. Can only be used once per day.   Secondary Ability   Spacer Doc: You can now heal someone not mortally wounded back to full health taking only 2 hours. This can only be done once per long rest.   Ultimate Ability   Super Juice: You can hit yourself with 4 stims at the same time. All the effects last for an hour. Once the effects wear off, you must pick one side effect and cannot cancel it.


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