
Performers, politicians, media personalities and cult leaders could all be considered a “Face”. Faces are the smooth talkers and snake oil salesmen of the galaxy, while also being the revolutionary leaders and counter-culture techno artists of the century. Many claim to be popular, beautiful, or an influencer, but only a small amount of people contain the charisma and charm to truly exemplify the Spacer that takes on the role of a face.  

Level 1

  Combat Ability   Inspiration: Using a bonus action, you can give your teammates a boost of 1d6 + your charisma modifier, this boost can be used for a saving throw or for an attack roll. The boost is equal to your Face Level + your charisma modifier.   Secondary Ability   Charismatic Influence: Your utter charisma inspires others for just merely being around you. When your teammates are within 30 feet of you, they gain a bonus to their charisma checks and mental saves by a boost equal to your charisma modifier.   Starting Class Bonus   Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to Charisma.   First Pick Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Deception, Performance, Intimidation, Streetsmarts, Intuition, Perception, Persuasion, or History

Level 2

  Combat Ability   Inspiration: This ability now uses a D8.   Secondary Ability   Charismatic Influence: The range now exists even farther, and allies within 60 feet of you now gain the bonus.  

Level 3

  Combat Ability   Inspiration: The ability now uses a D12. You can now use the inspiration against enemies and force them to subtract a d12 + your charisma modifier from their next roll, whether it be an attack roll or saving throw.   Secondary Ability   Charismatic Influence The range now extends farther, to 150 feet.   Ultimate   Final Countdown   Through some incredible performance you're able to give up to 8 allies within 180 feet of you, that can either hear or see you, a wild boost to their abilities. You can take an action, bonus action, and reaction to make a performance check of DC 10, if you pass, selected allies within range gain 1 free action, and gain back Effort Points equal to your charisma modifier. You can use this ability once per day, and it takes at least 3 Effort Points.


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