
Sometimes called Blockers, Hunters, or Witches, those who use the Metapsions are aptly geared at fighting their own Psionic brethren.    

Level 1

  You gain the ability to see all uses of psionic abilities within visual range, even if they are invisible to others. You also gain your Metapsionics level in a bonus to saving throws made against psionic abilities.    

Level 2

  You can now detect if someone is a psionics user after 1 minute of interaction with that person.   You can choose from the following abilities:    
  • Cloak Psionics: The user gains the ability to hide their own psionics, unless made by a contested higher power Psionic.
  • Detect Energies: You are able to detect the presence of Psionic abilities within range, or were used within range and a certain amount of time

Level 3

  You now can dampen your own psionics, in order to push your abilities even further. When you reach an effort level of 0, roll 1d4, you gain that much effort back.   You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Prison Trap: Allow another Psionic to auto pass a roll with an attack against you. The next ability you use will force them to fail their save.
  • Resist: Use a reaction to block the use of a Psionic ability within 30 feet. This takes one effort.
  • Suspend: Hold a Psionic action and take the effort cost. For 24 hours you can cast one use of this action as a reaction whenever you would like. This costs an additional effort.

Level 4

  You now roll advantage on any psionic abilities against you.   You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Mimic: Allows you to spend 10 minutes practicing with another Psionic, you meld their mind to yours and you gain a single use of one of their abilities for 24 hours.
  • Warp Space: You gain the ability to deter Psionic abilities within a range. Within 60 feet of you, any Psionic attempting to manifest an ability that requires a roll, will subtract 1d6 from that roll.
  • Surge: As a reaction if an enemy succeeds against a Psionic action cast by the player, they can use Surge to force the enemy to re-roll. This takes one effort

Level 5

  Whenever someone manifests a psionic ability within 60 feet of you, you can direct their own power and do damage against them. You deal 1d6 + the targeted psionic abilities level damage as a reaction.   You gain the following ability:  
  • Shield: The player picks one Psionic category, and becomes completely immune to those abilities.


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