
Mounts are creatures the mutant tamer intends to ride.  

Level 1

  Size: Large   Skills: Athletics   HP:   AC:   Actions:   Abilities: N/A    

Level 3

  Size: Large   Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics   HP:   AC:   Actions:   Abilities:  
  • Speed: The mutant can take the dash action as a bonus action on its turn. 

Level 5

  Size: Large   Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception   HP:   AC:   Actions:   Abilities:  
  • Speed: The mutant can take the dash action as a bonus action on its turn.
  • Ram: When the creature moves at least 15 feet towards another creature, and ends within engagement range, the mutant can make an attack and if it hits, the enemy is forced to make a physical saving throw or be knocked prone. 


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