
Called Seers, these psionics are connected deeply to the threads of time, and can influence the threads themselves.    

Level 1

  You can see into the future. You roll 2d20 and drop the lowest at the beginning of the day and can replace any of your rolls with this D20.    

Level 2

  You can now see farther into the future. Once per day, you may exert an effort and ask the DM a simple yes or no question. The DM answers this question to the best of his ability.   You can choose from the following abilities:    
  • Remember: Allows the player a feasible piece of equipment that might have been left out to now appear as if they had it. Once per day.
  • Danger Sense: Allows the player to roll their initiative at advantage, also once per day they are allowed to take a full action at the start of initiative.
  • React: This ability requires activation. For the next 24 hours the player can use this ability to negate an unexpected damage that is hitting the player or someone within engagement range.

Level 3

  You can now boost your allies. As an action you can give them 1d4 bonus to any roll, so long as you can touch them. This effect lasts for one minute and is used on the first roll. You can do this as many times as your Preecognition level.   You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Destiny: Use this ability to either give an Allie advantage on their next roll or cause an enemy disadvantage. Takes an action and uses strain.
  • Recall: The player can trigger this ability and see in the last 8 hours anything that occurred in that physical location.

Level 4


Level 5

  Whenever someone manifests a psionic ability within 60 feet of you, you can direct their own power and do damage against them. You deal 1d6 + the targeted psionic abilities level damage as a reaction.   You gain the following ability:  
  • Shield: The player picks one Psionic category, and becomes completely immune to those abilities.


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