
Protectors are combat oriented Mutants. They can serve as watch dogs, hunting creatures, and are capable of holding their own in the thick of a fight.  

Level 1

  Size: Medium   Skills: Athletics   HP:   AC:   Actions:   Abilities: N/A    

Level 3

  Size: Medium   Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics   HP:   AC:   Actions:   Abilities:  
  • Hunter Instinct: For one minute, the mutant gains resistance to all physical damage and has advantage on vigor checks. Whenever the creature makes an attack, you can re-roll 1s made for damage. This action takes an effort from the mutant.

Level 5

  Size: Medium   Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception   HP:   AC:   Actions:   Abilities:  
  • Hunter Instinct: For one minute, the mutant gains resistance to all physical damage and has advantage on vigor checks. Whenever the creature makes an attack, you can re-roll 1s made for damage. This action takes an effort from the mutant.
  • Survival: Whenever a creature within 10 feet of the protector takes damage, the protector can takes its reaction and take the damage instead. This action takes an effort from the mutant.


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