
Rangers are the rough and tumble enforcers of the age of spacers. On frontier worlds Rangers can be the first and only defense against dangerous xeno lifeforms, the only sense of justice in backwater villages too weak to defend themselves, or ruthless bounty hunters working at the behest of some corpo exec or enforcement agency. Rangers have a knack for independence, and thus rangers have a wide range of skills, with some taking on the roles of local healers, others with skills as survivalists. Some are talented investigators and sleuths, while others can be dangerous pilots.      

Level 1

  Combat Ability   Hunter: You can expend an effort and an action to mark a creature. Checks to find and track this creature are made at advantage. When you do damage, you add 1d8 to your damage roll.   Secondary Ability   Survivalist: You also gain a specialization to either survival, perception, medicine, or biology. You also can move through terrain stealthily at a normal pace. You can spend 1 minute hiding yourself. You must have some kind of access to plants or biology. Once you are hidden you are effectively invisible, so long as you don't move, take an action, bonus action or reaction.   First Pick Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to Wit or Manipulation.     First Pick Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Survival, Biology, Perception, Intuition, Athletics, Investigation, Stealth, or Medicine, Pilot Land Vehicle.

Level 2

    Combat Ability   Hunter: If you make an attack from surprise or against an enemy unaware, you deal an additional 2d6 damage on your first attack. It now takes only a bonus action to mark a target.   Secondary Ability   Survivalist: You can boost your allies stealth capabilities. Once per day you can expend an effort and give your teammates a +10 to their stealth checks for the next hour. You also gain an ability of your choice from the General Abilities.      

Level 3

  Combat Ability   Hunter: Your marked attack damage goes up to 2d8. You also can attack a creature that has been marked even if you can't see it. Any kind of disadvantage placed on you to attack a creature marked is nullified.   Secondary Ability   Survivalist: You gain specialization in another skill from the list at level 1. Negative weather effects no longer impose any sort of disadvantage on your skill checks, and you can travel unhindered by terrain lowering your movement speed. You gain a bonus to your mental saving throws equal to your level in ranger.     Ultimate   Take em' Down: You can now gain additional boosts against your marked target. For 1 minute you gain the following benefits. You have advantage on attack rolls against your marked target, they have disadvantage on attacks made against you. Once per turn, after you do damage to your marked target, you can force them to make a mental saving throw or become frightened of you.


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