
Scoundrels are the galaxies pirates and smugglers, swindlers and local governors as well as gamblers and rogues. The scoundrel encompasses many of the various aspects that make up these archetypes. Scoundrels might lack the gruffness of other professions but they more than make up for it in their attitude. Scoundrels always are quick on the draw, both with their tongue and their pistol.   Scoundrels also make great spies or agents, and their independence and street smarts are excellent tools for any saboteur. Scoundrels often find themselves as captains, leaders, or pseudo-faces is places where none exist.  

Level 1

  Combat Ability   Dirty Shot: You are quick with your hands, and you know when to shoot first. As a reaction, whenever combat starts, before the first round of initiative begins, you make take an attack.   Secondary Ability   Charming: You gain a specialization one of the following skills: Persuasion, Deception, Slicing/Lockpicking, Hacking. You also have your ear to the ground and make a streetwise check to find the nearest job oppurtunity in the sector.   Starting Class Bonus   Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to either Wit or Charisma.   Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Persuasion, Deception, Slicing/Lockingpicking, Hacking, History, Stealth, Investigation, Pilot Flying Vehicle.  

Level 2

  Combat Ability   Dirty Shot: You now know how to wage the mind games. When you spend a minute talking to someone you can then take a bonus action and cut them down with your words. They must make a mental saving throw or be forced to either take a movement, an action, or a bonus action next turn. This takes 1 effort.   Secondary Ability   Charming: You gain another specialization from the list above. You can pick an ability from the General Abilities list.  

Level 3

  Combat Ability   Dirty Shot: If they enemy attempts to use an ability you've seen before, you can take a reaction and make a shot to try and stop this. Make an attack if it hits it forces the opponent to make either a mental or physical save. If it fails, it must cancel the ability. This takes 1 effort.   Secondary Ability   Charming: You gain another specialization from the list above. You now can source an artifact when on a planet with some semblance of civilization, or simply a connection to the net. This may not mean you can readily get the item, and it might take some work. You also gain another ability from the General Abilities.   Ultimate   Line 'em Up: Once per day you can expend 3 effort at the start of combat and take a singular reaction to make a shot at each visible enemy character (so long as you have the ammo). Each subsequent hit imposes a -1 to the next roll.


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