
The most common type of Psionic, Kinetics are the most trusted and least sought after type of Psionic. Their abilities are mainly useful in heavy manual labor and military application.

Level 1

  Using one hand, you can manipulate objects using your own physical stats up to 30 feet away. Doing this takes an action and costs an effort. You can only manipulate objects up to 30 lbs in size.    

Level 2

  You can now manipulate objects using your own physical stats without exerting any effort, it still takes an action.   You can choose from the following abilities:      
  • Powered Movement: for one minute the Psi-Touched can jump double their normal height, move 10 feet per turn faster, and lift 1.5 times your normal lift weight. Gives them advantage on finesse saves.
  • Seal: As a reaction the kinetic can form a field protecting them from the vacuum of space.
  • Force Weapon: Allows the kinetic to create a force melee weapon as an action. Only one can exist at a time.
  • Force Blast: Allows the user to make a ranged using energy channeled. Use Psionic stat instead to hit. This attack does 2d6 damage and forces the user to make a physical saving throw or be knocked prone.

Level 3

  You can now use one hand to pull or push a creature medium sized or smaller towards you using a bonus action. They must make a save against your psionic ability, and if they fail they are either pushed or pulled 15 feet away from you.   You can choose from the following abilities:  
  • Grav Well: Point to an area within 100 feet. All objects and creatures are pulled to this point. All creatures within 10 feet of the point must make a physical saving throw or takes 2d6 damage and is pulled 10 feet towards the center.
  • Kinetic Boost: User gains +2 to their Finesse or their Vigor for a minute.
  • Powered Strikes: For one minute you can use an effort as a bonus action to get Powered Strikes. Melee strikes do an additional 1d6 damage. 

Level 4

  Your enhanced telekinetic abilities allow you to move naturally faster. You now gain 10 feet of movement speed.   You can choose from the following abilities:      
  • Brain Blast: Make line of 30 feet. Blast the area forcing those within to make a physical saving throw or take 8d6 damage and be knocked prone. This takes an effort.
  • Bender: After making an attack, if it misses you can re-roll the hit using your reaction, and expending effort.

Level 5

  Using both hands allows you to life double your max lift / carry weight. Using one hand now requires no effort and can be done as a bonus action.   Choose the following abilities:  
  • Puppet: Exerting an effort, you can for the enemy to make a physical save. If they fail, you gain control over the target's physical abilities for one minute. The target may take an action to try and break the bond using a physical save. If they fail three times they cannot make the save again.
  • Fly: Exerting an effort, you can gain a flight speed equal to your walking speed for one hour.


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