
Sometimes called Witches, Pathers, or Brain Thieves, Telepathy Psi-Touched are trusted by few, and can be hunted by many. Their ability to weave illusions so real that it drives their enemies to madness makes them feared by the average human.   

Level 1

  You gain the ability to form a telepathic link with another creature that you can see. This takes an action and expends an effort, but for the next hour you do not need anything to communicate with that person and can simply talk telepathically, so long as you stay within a mile of one another.    

Level 2

  You can now form a psi-link with someone unwilling to connect with you. They must make a mental save, or you are able to dive into the shallow thoughts of creature. Initial surface thoughts and impressions only.   
  • Small Illusion: Weave together to create an illusion about the size of a medium creature. Must make an investigation check to see through illusion.
  • Sway: Force a creature to make a mental saving throw or be convinced to do some small task.
  • Link: You can now connect the thoughts of multiple creatures. You can link creatures up to your telepathy level using an effort.

Level 3

  You can now mask your abilities. If the creature fails their save against your link, they are unaware their mind is being probed by you. The link now also lasts 8 hours.    You can choose from the following abilities:      
  • Far Thought: You can now stay connected to a mind you've linked to as long as they are on the same planet as you. This means you can probe their mind from anywhere on the planet through the 8 hours.
  • Mind Break: Take an action, expend an effort and force a creature to make a mental saving throw. If they fail, they take 2d6 psychic damage and must subtract 1d8 from their next save.
  • Third Eye: Allows the user to see through someone’s eyes who they’ve connected with

Level 4

  If someone is willing to be linked, you no longer need to expend an effort to connect with them. You also now know the exact physical location of anyone you are linked with.   You can choose from the following abilities:    
  • Command: Force a creature to make a mental saving throw or be controlled by the Psi-Touched for over one hour. The creature may make another mental saving throw three times during the span of an hour, during decisions that might go against their character. They will not do tasks that put them or their allies in direct danger.
  • Psionic Assault: Force a target to make saving throw or take 8d8 psychic damage, if this would bring them to 0 HP, you can choose to knock them unconscious instead of killing them. 
  • Major Hallucination: Force up to 10 creatures within 100 feet of you to make a mental saving throw. If they fail you weave a hallucination no larger than a 20 x 20 foot square in front of them. They cannot tell the difference between reality and the illusion. 

Level 5

  You can now use your telepathic ability to dink someone. When you see them start to use an ability, you can use a reaction, take an effort and force them to make a mental saving through. If they fail their ability is canceled, and they waste their action.   You gain the following ability:      
  • Rewrite: Force an opponent to make a save and if they fail they can edit the memory of the opponent.


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