The Red Birth

Population Migration / Travel


Hundreds of years before the discovery of the gates, the unthinkable happened. The wave of political uprisings and changes in the years around the Red Spring caused the creation of both Neo-Corpo states and nomadic communes on the outside of said states, often living in the toxic by product of said sates.   Then, the unthinkable happened. One of these nomadic communes broke through the atmosphere and launched colony ships into the stars. Built from the waste and by-product of the Corpo-states, these nomads hurled themselves at the Red Planet, Mars, seeking to carve out a piece of history and life for themselves.   With over a 75 percent casualty rate the cost was great, but the remaining few hundred thousand nomads that made great journey accomplished the unthinkable. Years of living in the toxic hellscapes of earth had prepared them for the harsh life they were to live in the years to come on the Red Planet.   They did what was undoable by the wealthiest and politically powerful nations on Earth and Luna had struggled with for years.

Related Location
Sol System
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