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Microscale Warp Engine

Microscale Warp Engine was one of the technologies that was recovered from the satellite captured during The 'Messenger' Incident. The engine allows for fast and efficient sublight travel within star systems. It utilises the warp effect at milimeter (currently nanometer) scale to propell a ship of almost arbitrary size without the negative side-effect in form of acceleration and in consequence - excessive g-force.   The current implementation of the Microscale Warp Engine (Nanometer Warp Engine) is energy efficient up to 0.67 speed of light, but falls short at speeds above due to the energy consumption curve growing exponentially and quickly overwhelming current energy production and storage systems at just 0.6792 of speed of light.


It is used widely on spacecraft of all sorts and purposes, but is dangerous to use within strong gravitational field, which disallows its use planetside.


The Microscale Warp Engines are produced by three main companies, two of which are Imperial National Syndicates - NovaForge Motors, Luminar Space Industries and andromedan Warpstar Corporation.

Social Impact

It allows ordinary people to easily travel from one planet to the other within the confines of a star system.
Unknown, invented by The Before Ones
Access & Availability
While the Nanometer Warp Engine is a classified technology utilised only on ships belonging to the Imperial Navy, the Micrometer and Milimeter Warp Engines are widely used by the populace and organisasions alike.
While Nanometer Warp Engine is incredibly complex for modern standards, the Micrometer and Milimeter Warp Engines are currently as easy to manufacture as jet engines were in the 21st century.
It was contained within the satellite captured during The 'Messenger' Incident.
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