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Quantum Web Theory

Quantum Web Theory was one of the five technologies and theories recovered from the 'Messenger' satellite during the 'Messenger' Incident. It was first formulated by the Before Ones and then passed onto humanity. It forms the basis of modern sublight spacetravel while at the same time allowing for FTL communications.
This theory talks about the existance of a Quantum Web - a weird and not fully understood phenomena within quantum physics, that consists of an infinite amount of streams of quantum particles. These particles can get in and out of Shatterspace at will - a feat no other particles can do. These particles don't stay in the Shatterspace for too long and can travel only short ranges within it, but it is enough to give some thrust to ships that latch onto them.
These streams can also carry information if they are manipulated properly. They can even interact with each other in Shatterspace. Though that phenomena is not fully understood, this property is used to transfer information between the comm buoys at FTL speeds allowing for low-latency communication between not only planets but even entire star systems. The range is potentially unlimited, as long as there is infrastructure to support stream manipulation.


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