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Shatterspace (ˈʃætəspeɪs)

The most important technology humanity has ever laid its hands on, allowing for quick and reliable interstellar travel. It works by utilising higher, imperceptable by humans, dimensions of the universe. By practically disappearing from the 3D space ships are capable of finding much shorter routes to other parts of the known universe.   The name comes from the fact, that entering Shatterspace looks to human mind as if the world around them crumbled and shattered into millions of pieces.


It allows and is responsible for 100% of intestellar and intergalactic travel.
Access & Availability
It is available to everyone as it is one of the foundations of the everyday life.
Shatterspace theory on the same complexity level as quantum physics. In and of itself it cannot be used, it can be utilised to make Shatterspace drives.
Shatterspace theory was not made by humanity itself, but rather was fully contained as one of the five technologies found in the satellite captured during The 'Messenger' Incident.


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