
These relaxed reptilian vegetarians are among the most chill beings in the universe.

Incredibly gifted in their sense of hospitality, the use their native gifts to make visitors feel at home and spoiled.

Basic Information


Four legged with long tails and long necks, these creatures use telekenesis to manipulate the world around them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike their Therosian cousins, the Saurichians are more mammalian in their reproduction. The adults generally fall into one of three sexual preferences. Children are carried by the mother, but are nursed and cared for by the third gender.

Also like the Therosians, Saurichian ethnicities vary greatly in size from small 2 foot long specimens to some 100 feet long and over 35 feet in height.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Firmly vegetarian, they must consume large amounts of plant matter to sustain their large size.

The land surface of the planet is covered with rich tropical forests which provide them an endless buffet. Recent developments have also led to harvesting of exotic seaweeds from the oceans, despite the risk involved in this harvesting.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Telekenesis
  • Extrasensory Perception

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

While their cousins the Therosians have attained space travel, the Saurichians choose to keep all four feet firmly planted on the soil of Deinos.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While the uneducated might assume that the Saurichians are mere prey for their carnivorous cousins the Therosians, the two species actually live in peace. In the distant past, small battles occurred between the two species whenever their territories overlapped. However the size of the Saurichians combined with their telekinetic abilities seem to have kept the Therosians from seeing them as a viable food source. Fortunately for both species, the planet has abundant sources of vegetable and non-vegetable food.

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I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Geographic Distribution


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