Sparks in the ashes History of Earth Timeline
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History of Earth

Pre Quintesson Invasion

  • 1914

    28 /7

    11 /11

    The Great War
    Military: War

    The War to end all Wars. A global conflict which causes great upheaval on multiple levels; from economically to politically, it is a series of battles which leaves a great scar upon Earth.

  • 1920


    The First Quintesson War
    Era beginning/end

    "Quintessons make contact with Earth in an invasion that begins in the USA and triggers the First Quintesson War."

Quintesson Colonization

1925 1945

"The First Quintesson War is officially lost. Mass genetic experimentation on 80% of the now-enslaved world’s remaining population takes effect to aid with strip-mining/manual labour efforts."

  • 1925

    Prentiss Separation
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Victor Prentiss and his wife, Scarlett Prentiss, are separated during Processing.

  • 1925

    Vignette: Décrypteur

    Aillard is put through Processing. In doing so, he makes accidental contact with Primus.

  • 1928

    Victor meets Sadie

    While on a routine Guardsman patrol, Victor comes across a small girl and keeps her from being taken by a Quintesson by 'claiming' her as his own.

  • 1930

    ARC 1: Sparks in the Ashes
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    • Pravda and Aillard break out of Quintesson captivity and join up with the Underground.
    • In an attempt to save his young friends - as well as a friend of Pravda and Aillard - Victor willingly goes to the Quintessons on the pretense of an 'assessment'.
    • With Primus's help, Victor is assigned to Inquirata's testing group, and further modified to attune to the artifact known as 'Rhisling'.
    • Upon the arrival of Judge Deliberata, Victor manages to open a series of spacebridges that result in the Spire's devastation. While he and his friends - including Primus - escape, the Quintessons are out for blood as a result.

  • 1935


    The Second Quintesson War
    Military action

    "The Second Quintesson War is initiated."

  • 1945

    The Final Assault
    Military: Battle

    The Thirteen launch their final, desperate assault against the Quintesson mothership as the various resistances of Earth draw the bulk of the forces away in a globally-organized series of battles.