Myrran Trade Union

The Myrran Trade Union is a medium power by its military capabilities, economic strenght and political influence that are present, but cannot be projected beyond the borders of this one. This entity represents the myrrans which are an anthropoid species originating from the planet Eicaro located in the Ionerth system.


The Myrran Trade Union is a corporate confederation, it brings together four corporations who with time have become more and more like provincial governments. Indeed, even if at the beginning of the exploration and exploitation of their native solar system, these corporations were indeed real private companies, this situation changed with the transformation of the Myrrans into an interstellar civilization. Thus, from the 2260s, the corporations were nationalized and charged with administering certain services to the population paid by the state while maintaining an economic role.

These are each in charge of a share of the Union space called a management area. Although the planets are technically under their authority, they are very independent on their internal politics and only the regulation of disputes between the different planetary governments can be imposed by the megacorporations on them. The federal government is responsible for managing the differences between the corporations and these jurisdictions, which generally concerns aspects that affect the entire territory.

Demography and Population

The myrrans have a population of 179.7 billion due to their reproduction faster than that of other species, allowing for a bigger population growth. As for languages, the government of the Union has no official language because each planet can decide on its own language. This brings great linguistic diversity within the Union, which has more than ten major dialects that are spoken within its territory.


The territories of the Myrran Trade Union extend from the eastern border to the borders of an empire called the Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim, its southern border touches the Qravadox Directorate, its biggest rival, and the Free Uriy Commonwealth. The territory is slightly larger than that of the Zelvan Council and mainly follows an east-west axis.


The Myrran Trade Union has a military strength that is inferior to the Republic, but enough to be considered a medium player within the galaxy. The megacorporations that each run a portion of Union space are in charge in peacetime of directing the military forces in their territory even though those forces technically belong to the federal government. All armed forces are placed under a single command which coordinates these in times of war.

Technological Level

The Myrran Trade Union is approximately on the same technological level as most other entities in the galaxy. Having developed several key technologies in the field of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, nano-robotics as well as the mastery of supra-luminal travel. All these advances have made it possible to increase life expectancy, facilitate space transport and many other benefits for the population as well as the economy.


The presence of religion in the daily lives of the inhabitants varies greatly depending on the planet although all of the planetary governments and the federal government are secular governments. Some have very well implemented religions while others are overwhelmingly secular with almost non-existent religion with some between these two extremes.

Foreign Relations

The Myrran Trade Union has a very good relationship with the Federal Republic and the Zelvan Council which are these closest trading partners as well as these most faithful allies. She has a very good relationship with the Free Uriy Commonwealth because she supported her during her war of independence with the Qravadox Directorate which invaded the home planet of the Uriy, a strong commercial relationship has also developed over time.

The Myrran Trade Union also has a good relationship with the Holy Kingdom of Katho although trade with these two entities is limited due to the distance despite the trade treaty between the Myrran Trade Union and the Holy Kingdom of Katho. The Qravadox Directorate is an empire that has become, from first contact, the biggest rival of the Myrran Trade Union in its neighborhood. The Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim has also become a great rival of the Union since the signing of an alliance between this empire and the Qravadox Directorate.

The Onatach Empire is the biggest rival of the Federal Republic, which makes relations between him and the Myrran Trade Union bad, despite the distance. However, even if the Union takes this threat seriously and assures its support for the Republic in the event of any hostile act, the distance means that there has never been any real contact between the two entities. Finally, the last one empires of which the Myrran Trade Union with knowledge are the Endurga Stellar State but since these are extremely distant and beyond the borders of the Union, no formal contact has been established.

Agriculture & Industry

The myrrans have an extremely diversified industry and agriculture because each planet has its particular resource which results in an extremely dynamic foreign and internal trade. There is a proverb which is widely used within the Republic which states that everything has been found within the Myrran Trade Union.

Trade & Transport

The interstellar transport whether of goods or people is carried out thanks to the gate network like all entities within the galaxy. These are artificial constructions acting as a sort of accelerator for the ships which activate their Star Drive creating a bubble with the latter subsequently increasing its speed phenomenally thanks to the gate. The myrrans have their own version of the Star Drive Within the systems which allows them to travel at approximately 190% of the speed of light for their larger ships.

Transport systems similar to those of the Republic were build on the planets to move individuals even if the means used are very different because of their morphology althought they are still based on the wheel. The Myrran Trade Union's main trading partners are the Federal Republic, Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim and the Zelvan Council, with which the majority of their foreign trade is run, a small part is also done with the Free Uriy Commonwealth. They also have a much more developed internal trade than the Republic due to the great diversity of product within the union.


Since each planet supports education, there is therefore a very wide variety of education models within the union which are all very different. The education that is provided on every planet is recognized on every planet in the Union to avoid logistical problems.


The most important infrastructure which makes interstellar travel possible and therefore the existence of galactic civilization is like all entities within the galaxy the gate network. Numerous space stations are used to complement this so that the vessels can refuel and repair during their journey. Others are set up for planetary contexts with those in orbit which aim to make the link between spaceports in cities and space. Additionally, being part of the Alliance of Alpha Quadrant, certain standardization rules apply to ensure that commerce between members runs smoothly. The armed forces of different corporations have also set up numerous space stations for logistical and defense reasons, whether on land or in space.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Myrran Trade Union has a bicameral legislature, the first being the Parliament which is composed of representatives of the different planets of the Confederation, each planet having the right to a number of representatives  according to their population who are elected by universal suffrage. The second being the Senate which is composed of senators from the four corporations, these last having the right to one senator per system. For a legislative proposal to pass, the central government must obtain the approval of both chambers.
Judicial Body
There is no central judicial system, each planet within the Myrran Trade Union is free to establish its own judicial system.
Executive Body
The executive of the Myrran Trade Union is headed by the Chancellor of the Union, elected by universal suffrage for a term of fifteen years, renewable for once. He presides over his Cabinet, which is made up of the various ministers of the Union.
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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