Special agent Gates Terror Attacks

Gates Terror Attacks

Disaster / Destruction


This attack will be perpetrated by a group of religious fanatics who reject any idea of space colonization, considering it blasphemous for humans to venture there. Indeed, space is, according to them, the residence of god and if humans continue to tread on it, it will trigger the apocalypse. Being ready to do anything to achieve their goal, their members, mainly people of combat age, will plan a terrorist attack in the solar system which will aim to prevent the transit out of it. Unfortunately for them, they will not have sufficient means to attack all the gates in the system, so they will focus on symbolic targets such as those towards Alpha Centauri and Adumir which were the first to be built by the Republic. Terrorists will fill ships with explosives and remote control them to detonate them near the gates, both of which will send a cloud of debris nearby. This will cause significant damage to the gate and other stations near it, which will force its shutdown for several weeks. All this destruction will lead to the death of 2,256 people since several survival systems shutdowns and depressurizations will be caused by the very numerous debris. This attack, in addition to its human cost, will prevent transit for the two gates for three week. The group will then be dismantled by the NIA which will spot it thanks to the tracing of the purchases of explosives on the black market. The NIA will also begin to closely monitor known groups that may pose terrorist threats and neutralize them if necessary.

Related Location
Sol System
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History of the Milky Way