Arcus Belt

ASTRONOMICAL TYPE: DEBRIS FIELD INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 4,100 million miles OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 5,000 million miles POLAR LENGTH*: 150 million miles EQUATORIAL LENGTH*: 750 million miles *Circumferences and Lengths are rounded to the nearest 100. *Polar length is left to right on diagram. Equatorial length is top to bottom on diagram.
  Notable Hazards Floating Debris Streaking Debris Volatile Gas Deposits
  Separating the Inner Planets and the Outer Planets is the Arcus Belt, a vast field of floating asteroids that orbits in a ring around the system. There is no atmosphere in this region of Realmspace, but a number of creatures have made the Arcus Belt their home, including wildspace pirates, conclaves of mages, and wildlife native to the void of wildspace. The distance between asteroids can be as close as a few dozen feet or as far as a several miles. Collisions between asteroids tend to be rare, usually occurring when streaking comets or meteoroids slam into them with sufficiently pushing force. The entrepreneurs of Realmspace have funded and organized mining operations in the Arcus Belt, eager to obtain the valuable minerals and precious metals that many of the asteroids contain. Natural gases can also be extracted from some of the asteroids, though such efforts tend to be hazardous endeavors due to potentially volatile deposits. Maps with recorded safe routes through the Arcus Belt are extraordinarily valuable to merchants and miners, since they can cut travel time through the Belt by half or more.
  Rumors and legends abound of what one can find in the Arcus Belt, including tales of buried treasure, of ancient ruins, and of strange monsters that dwarf the largest whales.
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