
Armada The Armada is the greatest of the Elven Imperial Navy's wildjammer fleet. These wildjammers are surprisingly graceful and quick for their substantial size, as well as carrying a wide array of weapons. Owning an Armada is no small task, as the Elven Imperial Navy guard them fervently. Unlike with the Cutter and Man-o-War, the Elven Imperial Navy guard the secrets of the Armada so closely that they actively work to silence shipwrights that mimic this design. Possession of an Armada, whether it is one grown by the Elven Imperial Navy themselves or built by an adventurous shipwright, is treated as a crime against the Elven Imperial Navy and the offenders are immediately put to death. Due to this strict attitude, most stay well away from attempting to make Armadas and instead focus on trying to develop other wildjammers to counteract them. Both the Tsunami and the Cuttle Command were originally built as away to help defend against the power the Armada brings to the Elven Imperial Navy. Model Variations There are a few variations to the Armada. Starfly Hull The starfly variant is the original grown by the Elven Imperial Navy. This variant is exceptionally difficult to find if one isn't given one by the Elven Imperial Navy. This variant gains the following feature: Starfly Hull. This ship can be healed by the Repair Hull spell multiple times per day. Thick Wood Hull This is the wooden variant crafted by shipwrights not associated with the Elven Imperial Navy. This variant is more readily available, but its speed is reduced to 1,500ft (45°).
  і і Armada Elven Ship of the Line (4x4) Armor Class 18 Hull Points 390 Bulwark Points 40 Speed 1,500 ft. (90°) Crew (Min/Max) 40/100 Cargo Hold 50 tons Days of Air 12,000 days Landing Space docks only Cost 200,000gp Hardpoints 14 large, 3 medium Fore Mantle N/A Blink (1/Day). This ship can use all of its movement to teleport to any unoccupied space within 6,000 feet, facing any direction. Evasive. When the Helmsman takes Evasive Maneuvers, this ship can immediately move 500 feet in any direction. Maneuverable Sails. This ship can rotate the direction it faces before it moves instead of after it moves. Trick Shot. Once per turn when the Helmsman uses Evasive Maneuvers or Wingbeat, one Gunner can usetheir reaction to make single weapon attack against a target in range. Wingbeat(3/Day). As a bonus action, the Helmsman can have thisshipturn upto its maneuverability and then move backward 1,500 feet in a straight line. Example Weapons 14x24-PounderLong Gun. Ship Weapon Attack:+10 to hit, range 6,000/18,000 ft., Fixed 5x front, 3xport, 3x starboard, 3xrear, one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) mega bludgeoning damage. 3x12-Pounder Long Gun. Ship Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 5,000/15,000 ft., Fixed 1x front, 1x port, 1x starboard, one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) mega bludgeoningdamage. 1 1
  Wild Armada
  This variation is the result of a starfly hull Armada being abandoned and left to drift. The hull itself begins to grow into a labyrinth of potentially dangerous flora. A wild Armada can be returned to normal by the Elven
  Elven Armada Length:300 ft, Width: 30 ft. Size: Awesome, 65 (10d10+10) Hull Cost: 500,000 gp Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 900 Damage Threshold: 15 Tonnage: 100 Minimum Crew: 44 Cargo Used/Total: 1 3/40 DEX Save: +2 (1 Facing per Move) CON Save: + 5 Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic, Lightning Armament 5 Heavy Ballistas, 5 Heavy Catapults, 2 Heavy Jettisons Ship Power Major Helm Landing: None Landing. None Primary Uses Military, Command Post Armaments 5 Heavy Ballistae. AC 15, HP 70, ATK +4, R 2/4, DAM 32 (7d8) Piercing, 3 Actions 5 Heavy Catapults. AC 15, HP 80, ATK +3, R 3/6, DAM 44 (7d10) Bludgeoning, 4 Actions The largest of the elven ships (aside from the unconfirmed rumours of dreadnoughts made from starfly plant mother- trees^ the Armada is reserved exclusively for the use of the Imperial Elven Navy, and individual elven nations. Possession of an Armada by other races or factions is punishable by death at the hands of the Imperial Elven Navy, both for the user and the individuals who provided the craft. The elven Armada is built along a butterfly-like body created from the magically-modified fruit of the starfly plant, but the wings are straightened and strengthened such that the upper surfaces form a landing surface for Flitters. A typical Armada will carry a total of 40 Flitters, five of which have magical helms, and the rest of which are de-powered. This is possible because elves only use major helms on their Armadas. The chief use of the Armada is as a base for large military actions against other factions, races, or planets. Their heavy firepower and their use of large numbers of Flitters makes them a dangerous weapon. The Flitters carried by an Armada are used as messengers, landing craft, and fighters, carrying archers and mages to target enemy weapon emplacements and crew. The heart of an Armada's operation is in the forward bridge, located in the 'head' of the butterfly. This is the location of the helm and the captain's station. An auxiliary bridge is located in the tail of the craft, just foreward of the jettisons. This auxiliary bridge is equipped with a full set of charts and a second major helm (this second helm is often not as powerful as the primary, and an Armada forced to use it may need to abandon some or all of its Flitters}
  2 Heavy Jettisons. AC 14, HP 80, DC 18: 15' radius, R 1/2, DAM 21 (7d6) Bludgeoning, 4 Actions Source: Lorebook of the Void Elven Armada, © 1989 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The Armada is the backbone of the elven fleet and often serves as the heart of military operations. A standard fleet may contain a single Armada, or 10 or more acting in unison, supported by a fleet of Men-o-War and hundreds of Flitters. Armada (spelljammer) EDIT
  Forward view of an armada with several flitters landed. Armada Basic Information[1][2] Type Spelljammer Built by Elves Used by Elves Value 400,000 gp Configuration[1][2] Tonnage 100 tons Crew 40/100 Armament 6 heavy catapults 6 heavy ballistae 2 heavy jettisons 3 bombards Cargo tonnage 50 tons Keel length 300 ft (91 m) Beam width 30 ft (9.1 m) Armadas were the largest of elven-made spelljammers. They were the backbone of elven space activities, supporting smaller craft in exploration and military operations.[1] Contents
  • Description • History • Rumors & Legends • Appendix • See Also • Appearances • External Links • References Description Armadas were shaped like enormous butterflies, with the wings straightened so that they could serve as landing platforms for the smaller flitters. The "head" of the butterfly was the ship's bridge, where the spelljamming helm was located. A secondary bridge with a backup helm was located in the ship's tail.[1] These large ships were mainly employed as bases for large military operations. A single armada could hold up to 40 flitters, some of them even equipped with spelljamming helms. These small vessels could be used as messengers or advance invasion troops.[1] Typically, an elven fleet could count on one or more armadas, supporting a fleet of several men-o-war and hundreds of flitters. Armadas that served as command posts for such large fleets were modified to include large towers on their backs, similar to those of dwarven citadels, where high-ranking officers lived and coordinated their efforts.[1] The usage of armadas was reserved for elven nations. If any other race was caught using an armada, elven fleets would pursue and kill the offenders. It was preferable for the elves to destroy a captured armada than to let it fall into others' hands.[1]
  Port view. Like other elven spacecraft, such as men-o-war, flitters, and gadabouts, elven armadas were enchanted fruit from starfly plants that were allowed to grow to maturity without taking root, shaped into their final form thanks to the starfly's easily changeable nature.[3] As living vessels, armadas took a long time to grow, but had enormous lifespans.[1] History The space station Lionheart, the secret command base of the Council of Admirals of the Elven Imperial Navy, was composed of a ring of armadas whose wings were fused together.[4][5] While its location was changed every few years to avoid attacks from enemies,[4][5] it was sometimes located near one of the asteroids of Garden in Realmspace.[6] In the mid‒14th century DR, the elven admiral Icarus commanded a large fleet of elven spacecraft that contained seven armadas, among other types of spelljammers. Icarus operated exclusively in Realmspace.[7] Around the same time period, the government of Wa designed the tsunami and the locusts with the explicit purpose of developing a fleet that could match the might and versatility of the armadas and flitters.[8] Rumors & Legends There were rumors of a purple armada operated by drow, known as the Gypsy Moth, but no confirmed sighting existed of it.[1] Appendix See Also • Monarch armada Appearances Adventures Under the Dark Fist External Links Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.
  Armada article at the Spelljammer Wiki, a wiki for the Spelljammer campaign setting. References 1. ↑ Jump up to:1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Jeff Grubb (August 1989). “Lorebook of the Void”. Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space (TSR, Inc.), pp. 44–45. ISBN 0-88038-762-9. 2. ↑ Jump up to:2.0 2.1 Dale "slade" Henson (March 1992). “Ship Recognition Manual”. In Jon Pickens ed. War Captain's Companion (TSR, Inc.), p. 7. ISBN 1-56076-343-4. 3. ↑ Scott Davis, Newton Ewell, John Terra (1991). Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix 2. Edited by Allen Varney. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 29, 57. ISBN 1-56076-071-0. 4. ↑ Jump up to:4.0 4.1 Jeff Grubb (August 1989). “Lorebook of the Void”. Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space (TSR, Inc.), pp. 55–56. ISBN 0-88038-762-9. 5. ↑ Jump up to:5.0 5.1 Curtis Scott (1992). The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook. Edited by Barbara G. Young. (TSR, Inc.), p. 84. ISBN 1-56076-347-7. 6. ↑ Elaine Cunningham (November 1992). The Radiant Dragon. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 2. ISBN 1-56076-346-9. 7. ↑ Dale "slade" Henson (March 1992). “War Captain's Guide”. In Jon Pickens ed. War Captain's Companion (TSR, Inc.), pp. 19–20. ISBN 1-56076-343-4. 8. ↑ Dale "slade" Henson (April 1991). Realmspace. Edited by Gary L. Thomas, Karen S. Boomgarden. (TSR, Inc), pp. 94–96. ISBN 1-56076-052-4.
  Джерело: <>
  Armada Армада (Armada) Название: Построен: Эльфами Преимущественно используется: Эльфами Стоимость: 400,000gp Тоннаж: 100 тонн Очки корпуса (HP): 100 Экипаж: 40/100 Класс маневренности (MC): D Посадка – на землю: Нет Посадка – на воду: Нет Показатель бронезащиты (AR): 5 Спас-броски: Керамика Тип движителя: Главное кормило Скорость (SR): Зависит от кормчего Стандартное вооружение: 6 Тяжелых катапульт (3 – ЛБ, 3 – ПБ) Расчет: 5 у каждой 6 Тяжелых баллист (3 – Н, 3 – К) Расчет: 4 у каждой 2 Тяжелых джеттисона (К) Расчет: 4 у каждого 3 Бомбарды (Н, ЛБ, ПБ) (Необязательно) Расчет: 3 у каждой Грузовая вместимость: 50 тонн Длина киля (KL): 300 футов Ширина бимса (BW): 30 футов Описание: Самый большой из эльфийских кораблей, армада приберегается исключительно для эльфийских наций. Владение армадой кем-либо еще карается смертью от рук эльфийского флота. Эльфийская армада строится в форме похожего на бабочку тела, но крылья выпрямляются и укрепляются, чтобы их верхние поверхности служили посадочными площадками для эльфийских мотыльков. Главное применение армады – база для крупных военных действий. Тяжелая огневая мощь и комплект мотыльков делает армады особенно смертоносными. У каждой армады 40 мотыльков (5 из них с волшебными кормилами), применяемых как ударные суда, чтобы выводить из строя тяжелое оружие противника или захватывать его мостик.
  Monarch Armada EDIT
  Monarch-class Armada Monarch Armada Built By Elves Used Primarily By Elves, drow Cost 420,000 gp Tonnage 200 tons Hull Points 200 Crew (Min/Max) 60/200 (total weapon crew: 40) Man-Days of Fresh Air 24,000 Maneuver Class D Landing - Land No Landing - Water No Armour Rating 4 Saves As Ceramic Power Type Series major helm Ship's Rating As per helmsmen Standard Armament 4 Heavy Ballistas (crew: 4) 2 Heavy Catapults (crew: 5) 2 Heavy Jettisons (crew: 4) 2 Bombards (crew: 3) Cargo 100 tons Keel Length 300' Beam Length 50' Source SJA2 Skull & Crossbows War Captain's Companion The Monarch-class Armada is a spelljamming ship built by elves and used by elves and drow.[1][2][3] Contents
  • 1Description • 2Crew • 3Ship Uses • 4Other Configurations • 5Appendix • 5.1Gallery • 5.2References Description The Monarch-class Armada is an obsolete version of the more standard elven Armada. Monarch Armadas are essentially very similar to more standard Armadas, except that the "butterfly body" of the craft has been straightened and expanded, giving the craft a somewhat bloated look, and considerably increasing the ship's tonnage without increasing the length. The wings have been flattened so that their upper surfaces can be used as landing platforms for Flitters, but once they have landed, the Flitters are housed internally in a huge hangar bay, unlike the modern Armadas which simply carry their Flitters on top of and hanging underneath their wings. This hangar bay takes up half of the Monarch's cargo space, and is intended to carry 50 Flitters (the 2 Monarch-class Armadas operated by drow tend to carry a number of different craft in their hangar bays, most of which have been modified by the drow). Forward of the hangar bay is the ship's main bridge, while the auxiliary bridge with the backup helm can be found to the aft of the hangar bay. The rest of the usable portion of the Monarch is made up of an internal "citadel" which houses crew quarters, and other essential ship functions. Several gunnery platforms are found throughout the ship, but a Monarch actually carries relatively few large weapons for a ship of its size. Large portions of the internal areas of the Monarch are not usable, since they are filled with a honeycomb-like crystalline substance which maintains the vessel's structural integrity. The Monarch is, in many ways, a superior vessel, but there are a number of significant reasons why the design was abandoned after only about half a dozen craft were built. First and foremost amongst these reasons is the crystalline internal structure of the craft. In order to achieve a craft the size of a Monarch-class Armada from the fruit of the starfly plant (which is the basis of most elven ships), significant magical changes needed to be made to the plant's internal structure. The result of this was a ship that does not have the natural resiliency of most elven ships, and which cannot heal itself in the manner of most elven hulls. Instead, while the ship remains alive, any damage must be repaired through a combination of standard repairs and magic (typically using Mending or Plant Growth spells). It is possible for all repairs to be made magically, but if an attempt is made to perform repairs in a purely mundane manner, the ship must save vs. crushing blow for each hull point of repairs to be successful. A failed save means that the effort has been expended to perform the repair, but the ship's honeycomb structure was damaged in the process, resulting in no significant progress. If the save is failed on a natural 1, then an additional 1d3 hull points of damage are done to the craft. The second major reason that the Monarch design was abandoned is the fact that the ship cannot be powered by a standard major helm, even the most powerful varieties. Instead, the ship must be powered by a far more expensive series major helm. Since the Imperial Elven Navy is one of the very few space organizations which is able to produce major and minor helms themselves instead of purchasing them from the arcane, the idea of having to rely on the arcane for series major helms did not appeal to the admiralty. In addition, one of the regulations of the IEN requires that each command vessel carry a backup helm, which is not overly onerous on a standard Armada, but a Monarch's need for a series major helm made the carrying of a backup an incredibly expensive proposition. Finally, the Monarch-class Armada is able to carry more Flitters than a modern Armada, but not to the degree that would be expected from a craft that is twice the tonnage of a standard Armada. Unlike a modern Armada, this carrying capacity cannot be increased by carrying Flitters outside the main body of the ship, since the series major helm, as installed and arranged by the arcane, cannot move any extra tonnage over and above the 200 spacial tons of the Monarch. In addition, the Monarch actually mounts fewer large weapons than the modern Armada. While this can easily be remedied by the simple installation of more weapons, this must be done at the expense of cargo space, which is already effectively limited to 50 tons by the hangar bay. Alternatively extra space for weapons can be hollowed out from the honeycomb structure of the hull, but this is dangerous, since it will result in penalties to the ship's AR, and possibly penalties to ship saving throws. As a result of these drawbacks, the Monarch-class Armada was quickly discontinued. The existing Monarchs were sent to hidden locations, where they were to be held in reserve against the day when they might be needed to bolster elven forces. Unfortunately, drow spies determined the locations of two of these Monarchs, and managed to steal them. When the IEN discovered the theft, the remaining Monarch-class ships were returned to service, largely to prevent them from falling into the hands of enemies. Crew The Monarch-class Armada tends to carry a crew which is virtually identical in size and organization to that of a modern Armada. The Monarchs which are in the hands of drow, however, follow a much looser command structure, with crew positions determined largely by politics and the whims of the most powerful priestesses aboard. Ship Uses Command Ship: All Monarchs, whether operated by the IEN or by a drow nation, are used as command ships. Despite their drawbacks, the huge ships are powerful and impressive. Monarchs serve well as command vessels, leading fleets of lesser ships. The only thing that varies from Monarch to Monarch tends to be the number and nature of the ships which it leads. This fleet includes the craft that the Monarch itself carries, but also includes numerous other ships. Other Configurations Drow Monarch: The Monarch-class Armadas operated by the drow have been slightly modified to serve their purposes. In most respects the Monarch, with its enclosed hangar bay and lack of exposed decks, was already well-suited to the light-hating drow. These ships have been changed somewhat from their original configurations, however, with the addition of protective domes over the bombard turrets, and the darkening of the portals on the ships. Providing similar domes over the fore and aft gunnery platforms has proved impractical, due to the difficulty of coordinating the openings in the domes for the multiple weapons which may be firing at multiple targets. Appendix Gallery
  Drow Monarch Armada deck plans
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  Built By: Gsed Primarily By: Tonnage: Hull Points: Crew: Maneuver Class: Landing—Land: Landing—Water: Armor Rating: Saves As: Power Type: Ship’s Rating: Standard Armament: 6 heavy catapults Crew: 5 each 6 heavy ballistas Crew: 4 each 2 heavy jettisons Crew: 4 each 3 bombards (optional) Crew: 3 each Cargo: 50 tons Keel Length: 300' Beam Length; 30' Description The largest of the elven ships, the armada is reserved exclusively for the elven nations. Possession of an armada by other races or factions is punishable by death by the elven navy, both for the user and the indi­viduals who provided the craft. The elven armada is built along a butterfly-like body, but the wings are straightened and strengthened such that the upper surfaces form a land­ing surface for flitters. Crew Like the elven navy’s man-o-war, the armada has a rigid, military crew and a strong chain of command. However, since the armada is often the heart of naval actions, command­ing a number of lesser vessels, it is likely to carry more high-ranking members of the elven navy than a man-o-war.
  Ship Uses Military: The chief use of the ar­mada is as a base for large military actions against other factions, races, or planets. Their heavy firepower and their use of flitters makes them a dangerous weapon. Each armada carries 40 flitters, five of which have spelljamming ca­pacity. Those members of the crew who are not involved in the general movement and upkeep of the ship are assigned as flitter pilots and are exclusively charged with the mainte­nance and care of their ships. Flitters are used primarily as messengers and landing craft, or to disable en­emy heavy weapon emplacements and seize an enemy’s bridge. The heart of the armada’s opera­tions is in the forward bridge, located in the “head” of the butterfly. This is the location of the major helm and the captain’s station. An auxiliary bridge is located in the tail of the craft, just before the jettisons. This auxiliary bridge is equipped with a full set of charts and a second major helm. The armada is the backbone of the elven fleet and often serves as the heart of military operations. A stand­ard fleet may contain a single ar­mada or up to 10 or more acting in unison, supported by a fleet of men- о-war and hundreds of flitters.
  Standard Armament:
  Other Configurations Command Post: Several armadas carry large tower complexes along their backs, where the wings meet the body. These special armadas are the permanent residences of the fleet admirals and are used as command posts to coordinate large fleet actions. These small citadels (with a decidedly dwarven appearance) are used both as a military center and quarters for either entertaining other allies or negotiating with surrender­ing fleets. These command posts can be jetti­soned (without power of their own) if the armada is endangered. This has the same effect as a heavy jettison on pursuing ships. In one case, the jetti­soned armada citadel was used to bombard an orc pirate base, with im­pressive fatalities. Wild Armadas: Armadas are nor­mally not abandoned, given the length of time it takes to grow one and their long lifespans. The elven nations would rather destroy this type of ship than let it fall into an­other race’s hands. Should an aban­doned, overgrown armada be found, its AR would be 9 and its MC would be E. Dark Elf Crews: Rumors of drow operating in space continue, though incidents with spacefaring drow are few and far between, always seeming to occur “in another shell,” or “a long time ago.” One confirmed sighting is of a purplish armada with a huge dome where the command post would be based, giving the ship the appearance of a bloated hunchback. This “gypsy moth” is said to be run by drow. The dome supposedly fil­ters out light that is deadly to the drow. Several sages have discounted the sighting, noting that the drow are creatures of the deep earth, of the night, and would likely prefer to travel across dimensions than bother with spelljammer technology.
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