Astral Schooner

___ > ## Astral Schooner >*Gargantuan vehicle, unaligned* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 8 > - **Hit Points** 350 > - **Speed** fly70ft. (hover), fly 40ft. when not in Astral Sea >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|15 (+2)|12 (+1)|18 (+4)|-|-|- >___ > - **Damage Immunities** poison, psychic > - **Damage Resistances** necrotic, slashing damage from non-magical sources > - **Senses** custom > - **Languages** None > > ___ > ***Crew.*** The ship requires a crew of five to properly function. One pilot, one navigator, two deckhands and one engineer. > > ***Fragile Propulsion.*** For every 50 damage the ship takes, it loses 10ft of movement to a minimum of 0ft. > > ***Out of Control.*** An out-of-control ship will do nothing on its turn except for moving half its movement in the direction it was moving before. > > ***Saving Throws.*** Whenever an effect forces the ship to make a saving throw using a mental stat, the effect is redirected to the ship's pilot who is then forced to make said saving throw. Damage immunities and resistances still apply. > ### Power Consumers > ***Moving.*** A traveling day of 8hrs consumes one Power Cell (25 charges). See the movement table. > > ***Bow Cannon (10 Charges).*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* range: 120ft. line, each creature in the line must make a DC14 Dex saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 force damage on a failed saving throw, success halves. An object in this line stops the effect for any creature or object within the attack's range behind it and takes 4d6 force damage. > > ***Cloaking (1 Charge/Round).*** The ship and everything on it turns invisible until the ship runs out of power or until cloaking is turned off. > > ***Planeshift (25 Charges).*** The pilot must succeed on a DC15 intelligence check to cause the ship and everything on the ship to planeshift to a plane of the pilot's choosing. A failed attempt expends 15 Charges and does not result in a planeshift.Astral Schooner Astral schooners sacrifice speed for carrying capacity, allowing them to hold more passengers and cargo belowdecks. Astral Schooner Gargantuan vehicle HP 550 Space 4 squares by 10 squares Cost 85,000 gp AC 3; Fortitude 20, Reflex 2 Speed fly 10 (hover), overland flight 16 Pilot The pilot must stand at a control wheel, typically at the rear of the astral schooner. Crew In addition to the pilot, an astral schooner requires a crew of six, all of whom use a standard action each round to control the schooner. Reduce the schooner’s fly speed by 2 squares for each missing crew member. At fly speed 0, an astral schooner sails out of control. Load Fifty Medium creatures; fifty tons of cargo. Out of Control An out-of-control astral schooner moves forward at half speed (not including any modifiers for its astral sails). Astral Attunement An astral schooner functions only in the Astral Sea. Fragile Propulsion For every 100 damage an astral schooner takes, its speed is reduced by 2 squares. At fly speed 0, the ship comes to a stop.
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