
Этот стремительный, но тесный корабль в основном сделан из металла. Он не может плавать на воде, но его ноги позволяют ему безопасно приземляться на землю. Сдвижной люк сразу за крыльями позволяет получить доступ к мангонельной башне корабля. Грузовой отсек корабля можно легко превратить в каюты экипажа или другую оружейную палубу. Стрекозы часто используются как курьерские суда и бронированные транспортные средства. Исследователям и пиратам они нравятся, потому что они быстрые и крепкие. Военные лидеры используют их в качестве командных кораблей по тем же причинам.   Владельцы стрекоз — гордые люди, они любят раскрашивать свои корабли красочными узорами, а также оснащать их специальным оборудованием. Большие частные собрания владельцев стрекоз — не редкость; они используют эти сборища, чтобы хвастаться своими кораблями и участвовать в гонках друг с другом через пояса астероидов и другие полосы препятствий либо за вознаграждение, либо за право похвастаться.    


  Цокотуха – второе поколение стрекозы, обладает той же общей конфигурацией, но ее основное тело было полностью перепроектировано. Тонкое дерево сменил металл и прочие, более прочные материалы, а все открытые палубы были закрыты. Скользящий люк сразу за крыльями используется для единственного тяжелого оружия корабля, хотя некоторые версии используют его под грузовое пространство, переделав под оружейную палубу кормовую секцию.   Цокотуха – корабль отшельников, им пользуются те, кто хочет замкнуться от вселенной. Он очень популярен среди более дерзких контрабандистов, особенно в областях, где открытые боевые действия – обычное дело, или же местные власти имеют достаточно сил для установки блокады.   A second-generation version of the standard dragonfly, the damsel­fly has the same general configura­tion as the dragonfly, but has been totally redesigned along its main body. The thin wood has been re­placed with metal and other, harder substances, and all exposed decks have been covered. A sliding hatch just behind the wings is used for the single heavy weapon the damselfly has, though some versions use this for cargo space, turning the aft sec­tion into a weapon deck instead.  

Weapon: Ballista

  Size: Large Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 50 Damage Threshold:   Crew: 3   Cost: 800 gp   It takes 3 action to load the ballista, 3 action to aim it, and 3 action to fire it.   Ballista Bolt Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 600/2400 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.  

Weapon: Mangonel

  Size: Large Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 100 Damage Threshold:   Crew: 4   Cost: 1500 gp   It takes 2 actions to load the mangonel, 1 action to aim it using the turret rotator (area 2 on the accompanying deck plan), and 1 action to fire it.   Mangonel Stone Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 1000/4000 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 feet of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.    


  Refinements in the layout of the ship’s wings reduce the number of men needed for full operation to two, including the spelljamming mage himself. The spelljammer helm is usu­ally located on the enclosed bridge itself, behind a forward portal of glass, crystal, or metal affected by a glassteel spell. The ship can be oper­ated from the deck without endan­gering the crew. As with the dragonfly, the damsel­fly has a captain (usually the owner) who also holds any other position that is needed. Damselfly captains tend to be loners, either preferring or needing relative peace and quiet. The damselfly is a hermit’s ship, used by those who want to shut the universe out.  

Ship Uses

  Small Fighter: The damselfly is of­ten carried by larger ships as a scout and fighter. These ships are often left behind as the main ship retreats, and will rejoin the main ship at a rendez­vous point—if possible. Such ver­sions frequently carry additional weapons.   Monster’s Ship: The small size, protection, and ease of operation of the damselfly make it an ideal craft for generally solitary, nasty crea­tures. The fact that a casual observer cannot tell if the ship carries a wiz­ard, lich, or rakshasa provides a level of comfort for the user.   Smuggling: Like the dragonfly, the damselfly is used extensively in the “small package trade,” particu­larly in locations where open warfare is common and/or the local authori­ties have the power to back up a blockade. Damselfly captains rarely take on passengers (see the above notes on personality of such cap­tains), but may be induced to do so for a high price.   Ship’s Boats: As the dragonfly, the damselfly often has its expensive spelljammer helms stripped and re­placed with nonmagical engines, turning the ship into a planetary scout or shuttle. Such shuttles are useful for zipping about a planet’s surface, but are useless for interplan­etary travel since their air will run out long before they reach a destination.  

Other Configurations

  Alternate Weapons: The damsel­fly’s main weapon is usually a heavy ballista stored behind a hatch lo­cated just aft of the wings. The hatch slides back for combat operations. Some damselflies have the ballista in the rear (normally cargo area). Some captains replace the ballista with a heavy jettison.   Additional Weapons: If the cargo space is eliminated, a damselfly of­ten carries either a second ballista, a jettison, or a greek fire projector in the tail. Weapons mounted in the rear are called “stingers” regardless of their type.   Super-Heavy Damselfly: In the quest for still more protection, a modified super-heavy damselfly has appeared. Its armor rating is 3, among the best for ships its size, but its low maneuverability class (E) makes it hard to manage in a fight.   Alternate Shell: Enameled metal is the damselfly’s common covering, often painted in bright colors that warn other ships away. Versions built by some space-based humans use bone, ceramics, or shells to the same effect. The armor rating remains the same, but the ship’s saving throw is changed for the new material.   Mind Flayer Crews: The damselfly appears frequently in mind flayer for­mations as a scout or planetary land­ing craft. This fits in with the general preferences of the mind flayers for safe, secure ships. The damselfly is undergoing test flights with the mind flayers, and if the ship is deemed suc­cessful, it will be added to their fleets. Even if the craft fails the mind flayers’ rigorous tests, the damsel­fly’s successful design features will be added to those of the illithids’ standard nautiloid craft (see below). Size:   Keel Length: 100 ft   Beam Length: 20 ft   Built by: Humans Used by: Humans, mind flayers Tonnage: 10 tons Landing: Land Power Type: Major or Minor Helm Armaments: Ballista, mangonel


Creature Capacity: 10   Crew: 9   Passengers: 1 Cargo: 5 tons


Speed: 700 ft   Travel Pace: 80 mph   Maneuveribility: D   Cost: 20000 gp   Armor Class: 19 (metal)   Damage Threshold: 15      
10 days 10 days 10 days xxxx xxxx
14(+2) 12(+1) 14(+2)
  Damage Immunities poison, psychic Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious  



Armor Class: 19 Hit Points: 200 Damage Threshold: 15


  Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:  


  Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage Threshold:   Speed:    




  Quality:   Morale:   Wages:  

Notable members of crew



  Captain:   Spelljammer:  

Ship modules


Ship upgrades



Minor / Major Helm

Weapons & Armament

Weapon: Ballista

  Size: Large Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 50 Damage Threshold:   Crew: 3   Cost: 800 gp   It takes 3 action to load the ballista, 3 action to aim it, and 3 action to fire it.   Ballista Bolt Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 600/2400 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.  

Weapon: Mangonel

  Size: Large Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 100 Damage Threshold:   Crew: 4   Cost: 1500 gp   It takes 2 actions to load the mangonel, 1 action to aim it using the turret rotator (area 2 on the accompanying deck plan), and 1 action to fire it.   Mangonel Stone Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 1000/4000 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 feet of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Landing: Land
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700 ft., 80 mph, 1920 miles per day
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Creature Capacity: 10 Crew: 9 Cargo Hold: 5 tons


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