Distant Fringe

ASTRONOMICAL TYPE: NA INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 7,700 million miles OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 10,000 million miles *Circumferences are rounded to the nearest 100.
  Notable Hazards Displacement Anomalies Floating Debris Incendiary Clouds Planar Vortices Streaking Debris Toxic Clouds ReAlmSPACe Checkpoints Distance From Distant Fringe* The Sun 2,450 million miles AnaDia 2,400 million miles Coliar 2,350 million miles Toril 2,250 million miles Karpri 2,150 million miles Chandos 2,050 million miles Arcus Belt (Inner Edge) 1,800 million miles Arcus Belt (Outer Edge) 1,650 million miles Glyth 1,450 million miles Garden 1,250 million miles H’Catha 850 million miles Frigid Badlands (Inner Edge) 500 million miles Frigid Badlands (Outer Edge) --- Sphere Wall --- *rounded to the nearest million
  The Distant Fringe is the void between the Sphere Wall and the rest of Realmspace, the last leg of the journey from any of the planets to the shell that encapsulates the entire system. This region of wildspace is vast and filled with mysteries. Traveling through the Fringe can be somewhat risky if one chooses to do so without regard for the potential hazards within it. For the most part, the Distant Fringe is unoccupied wildspace with almost nothing in it, but there are parts of the Fringe where one might have greater chances of running into dangerous creatures, or rogue asteroids, or anomalies of time and space. Most hyperspeed travellers will never have any trouble or surprise while journeying through this region, but there are a number of ships that have gone missing while attempting unexplored routes. There are a number of portals in the Distant Fringe that can lead to other locations within Realmspace, as well as other planes. The locations of these portals (the safe ones that is) can be extremely valuable for hyperspeed vessel crews, especially those of merchants and explorers, for the time that can be saved in transit towards their destinations. According to some rumors, there are even portals to other crystal spheres, as well as to planes that are taboo for exploration, such as the Far Realm.
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