Faerunian night sky constalations and notable stars



1.1 The Caltrop

  This constellation is formed by three converging lines of stars, each with a cluster of stars at its outward end, or "point." Where the three lines come together is due east. To humans, these stars are also known as the Arrows of the Gods, or the Sun's Signpost. The elves call this constellation Adarivael, and hold it sacred to Solonor Thelandira. The nomads of Anauroch call the Caltrop At'ar's Arrows, and believe that they are three fiery arrows launched by the sun goddess, to clear and mark her way (as the sun rises here).  

1.2 The Chalice

  A relatively minor constellation, this cup-shaped grouping is often referred to in ancient texts as Chebelos or The Odalin. Although the meaning of these words, believed to be Raumatharian in origin, is lost, the texts indicate that the Chalice once played a much more important role in the heavens, at least to the peoples of that empire.  

1.3 The Double Daggers

  Located in the western sky, this constellation is two fuzzy clusters of blue-white stars, which appear as two side-by-side crescents or arcs in the sky, points downward. True west can be found exactly halfway between the two arcs - heading "straight between the eyes."   In the Sword Coast North, the Daggers are known as The Eyes of the Watching Woman, and in the western Heartlands men speak of "where Selune looks back." To the Bedine of Anauroch, the Daggers are known as The Two Jambiyas, or the Eyes of Elah. Similarly, the elves know this constellation as The Eyes of Uelaereene (named after the long-ago Queen Uelaereene of Evermeet), and the halflings of Luiren connect the two arcs and call it The Gull.  

1.4 The Horn

  A grouping of several stars in a V-formation. To ancient, primitive cultures, the symbol of a horn represented good fortune, wealth, and fertility. Thus, it is believed that the Horn figured prominently in early Waukeen-worship, especially among the societies of Amn, Tethyr, and the Western Heartlands. For the elves, the Horn is known more poetically as Shansibal, the mythic Cornucopia, and is sacred to the priesthood of Aerdrie Faenya (similarly, the halflings call the grouping Sheela's Bosom, after the halfling deity of feasting, revels, and romance).   Most interestingly, both the dwarves and the orcs refer to the constellation as The Dagger, and see it as much more of a martial portent. To orcs, especially, the Dagger is sacred, as it is seen as the manifestation of Ilneval, the god of war.  

1.5 Labraen

  More commonly called The Archer, this constellation is often seen as a companion to the Swordsman, whom he faces across the nighttime sky (a major exception is the people of Thay, whose myths hold that the Archer is Rivalyn, a warrior famed for his part in defeating the first Mulhorandi invasion of Thay. The Thayans believe that Rivalyn gives unending chase to the Swordsman, called Amentira after the pharaoh who launched the invasion, across the heavens).   The elves also call this constellation Labraen, and each elven enclave seems to have their own legends and stories about him.  

1.6 Mystra's Star Circle

  High in the north sky is an awesome circle of large, bright stars with utter darkness between them (Mystra's floating Castle of Night, in children’s' fairytales, is said to float in the center of the darkness). Due north is marked by the brightest Brow Star, also known as Alagairtha by the Bedine of Anauroch.   Other folk in the Realms call this constellation the Crown of the North, or just the Cold Crown. Some believe it to be the Eye of Evil, the Hole That Leads To Darkness, or the Circle of Coins (thrown on high by the gods, to taunt poor men). Some Bedine tribes believe that this place is N'asr's Tent, the dwelling-place of the Lord of the Dead. Most Bedine call it the Circle of Swords (the shining scimitars of the greatest Bedine gathered by N'asr).   According to elven astronomers, there was once a star centered in the middle of the Circle. This star, known as N'landroshien (Darkness in Light), figures prominently in several ancient elven end-of-the-world myths, but has not been seen in the night skies for several millennia.  

1.7 The Swordsman

  Also known as The Warrior or The Sentinel, this constellation shares the same traits in cultures across Faerun; loyalty, guardianship, battle, freedom. Many legends and myths have been attributed to the Swordsman through the ages, although most recent human ones tend to center around the exploits of Torm or Tempus. In the Moonshaes, the Swordsman is called Cymrych Hugh, and is believed to be the soul of the legendary hero, placed in the heavens by the Earthmother.   Similarly, the elves have many myths about the Swordsman; the most popular is that the Swordsman was Auranamn, the first elf, who fought at Corellon's side during the great battle with Gruumsh. Although Auranamn died in that battle, Corellon lifted his soul up and placed it among the heavens, to spend eternity watching over the elven race.  



2.1 Mystra's Star

  One of the brightest stars in the heavens, this bright blue light is known to have shone even brighter on the births of several notable mages, including Ahghairon of Waterdeep. About the only star or constellation to hold the same significance to all races (human or demi- human).  

2.2 King's Coin

  A brightly-shining, yellowish star which forms the "pommel" of the sword in the Swordsman constellation. It is traditionally held to foretell the lives of Faerun's rulers, and many tales through the ages tell of the Coin glowing brightly at the birth of rulers destined for greatness (indeed, the star's little-known "proper" name, Imadain, is believed to come from the ancient Imaskari, meaning "Lucky Star of the King"). A few fables even tell stories of the Coin disappearing from the heavens upon the deaths of several kings, the most famous of which is Faerlthann, the first king of Cormyr.   In recent years, the King's Coin has become prominent in the religion of Siamorphe, the deity of nobles and nobility, and members of her faith have taken to adding its' image to their heraldic devices, especially in the land of Tethy  

2.3 Ieriyn (The Sailor's Star)

  The brightest star in the heavens, outshining even its' sister, Mystra's Star. The star's name comes from the navigational aid it has given to sailors through the ages. Located far above the northern pole of Faerun, as the night progresses Ieriyn does not rise or set, but always seems to be glued to a single point in the sky. So, at any time in the night you can find the Sailor's Star, as it is always in the North. If a ship got lost, they could always figure out their direction by finding Ieriyn. Not surprisingly, the Sailor's Star is held sacred to Selunites, and praised by sailors across Faerun. However, the navigational use of the star is not limited to the seas, and travelers, prospectors, and worshipers of Shaundakul all use the star for land-based travel.  


  3.1 Anadia (Kossuth): reddish color, also often associated with Garagos the Reaver (humans). The orcs call the planet Gruumsh's Eye, and believe that, at the end of the world, the Eye will purify Faerun in a rain of fire, leaving only the orcs to rule. The elves call Anadia Uluemyn, and associate it with the god Solonor Thelandira.   3.2 Coliar (Akadi): bluish-white color. The elves call Coliar Luridel, and associate it with Erevan Ilesere.   3.3 Karpri (Ishtishia): blue-green color. The elves call Karpri Ochael, and associate it with Rillifane Rallathil.   3.4 Chandos (Grumbar): brownish color. The elves call Chandos Iaras, and associate it with Labelas Enoreth.  



4.1 Acamar

  Acamar was a dead star of utterly black inky nothingness that ate other celestial bodies that drew too close to it.   Acamar's hunger was endless, and when its influence on Toril was at its peak, it sent its agents, the Maws of Acamar, to devour everything they encountered in their path to sate the hunger of the dead star.  

4.2 Caiphon

  Also known as the Purple Star or the Dream Whisperer.   From afar, Caiphon was seen as a purple star. However, those who had studied this star for a long period, experienced lucid dreams in which they were transported to the star proper. According to those few, Caiphon was a world of purple fire that pulsed as if it was alive, and was covered by a purple, amoebic ocean.   Many believed Caiphon was a guide star, but Caiphon usually betrayed those who relied excessively upon it. In times of need, when even prayers to the gods failed, people offered their pleas to the star for help. On rare occasions, Caiphon listened and sent one of its emissaries. The emissary seemed like a good person, trying to help people to solve their problems. But not long after, chaos and war became common in the regions the emissary had appeared.  

4.3 Delban

  Also known as the Star of Ice and Hate.   Delban was an ice white star.   Delban was usually visible only in winter, but sometimes it shone without reason in any other seasons, surprising scholars who studied stars. Of all the Far Realm-infested stars, Delban was the most cruel and bitter.  

4.4 Gibbeth

  Gibbeth was described as a green star that at its core had an utterly unknowable being.   Scholars who studied stars avoided studying or even talk about Gibbeth. It was believed that Gibbeth's true form was a being of madness, and that this madness was contagious and even dangerous. Even a minor contact with its madness was able to create an aberrant creature known as the Scion of Gibbeth.   It was also believed that, when Gibbeth revealed its true form at the end of time, reality would be unmade just by its gaze.  

4.5 Hadar

  Also known as the Dark Hunger.   Hadar was a cinder-red star, barely visible in the night sky.   Hadar was a dying star, slowly burning into annihilation. Because of that it sent its agents, the Heralds of Hadar, to Toril to feed on living creatures in a desperate attempt to avert its demise.  

4.6 Khirad

  Also known as the Star of Secrets.   Khirad was a blue star.   Wherever an apocalypse of some sort happened in Realmspace, Khirad was the most brilliant star in the sky. Sometimes, Khirad's radiance revealed secrets and gruesome insights.  

4.7 Nihal

  Also known as the Serpent Star.   Nihal was a red star, although some stargarzers said that Nihal's light was green. Nihal was actually a tear in reality composed of an infinite swarming mass of maggots and worms.   Nihal writhed around the position it should hold in the sky, and because of that it was called the Serpent Star. Sometimes Nihal sent its agents to Toril, the Serpents of Nihal, to feed on living things so Nihal could sate its hunger. Some scholars believed Nihal was the brother of another elder evil, Kyuss, or even the same being observed from two different points in time.  

4.8 Zhudun

  Also known as the Corpse Star.   Zhudun was described as a "corpse star with a blank face".   Zhudun was a dead star that somehow still existed in Realmspace.  



5.1 Sel?ne

  Sel?ne Toril’s only natural moon. Since the revolution and rotation periods of Sel?ne's orbit around Toril are the same, one side of the moon always faces Toril, while the dark side can never be seen from the ground.  

5.2 Tears of Sel?ne

  From the ground, the Tears appear as stars, often identified as nine in number. In reality, the Tears are an ordinary asteroid cluster that trails in the wake of Sel?ne.   The Tears are only bright enough to be seen at night, and even then they are not seen every night.  

5.3 Color Spray Nebula

  This nebulosity looks very much like the effects of a color spray spell. It is a fan-shaped object that is seen primarily during the spring and early summer. It is approximately two million miles long, with a width of one million miles at one end, and 100 feet at the other.   The worshipers of Mystra believe this to be a sign from their goddess, that their use of the magic that she awards them pleases her. The cult of Bane (and later, Cyric) believes that the nebula is the wrath of their deity, spreading its way across the heavens. They believe that everything within its destructive path is utterly annihilated.
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