Frigid Badlands

ASTRONOMICAL TYPE: DEBRIS FIELD INNER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 12,200 million miles OUTER CIRCUMFERENCE*: 15,400 million miles POLAR LENGTH*: 300 million miles EQUATORIAL LENGTH*: 750 million miles . *Circumferences and Lengths are rounded to the nearest 100 *Polar length is left to right on diagram. Equatorial length is top to bottom on diagram.
  ReAlmSPACe Checkpoints Distance From Frigid Badlands* The Sun 1,950 million miles AnaDia 1,900 million miles Coliar 1,850 million miles Toril 1,750 million miles Karpri 1,650 million miles Chandos 1,550 million miles Arcus Belt (Inner Edge) 1,300 million miles Arcus Belt (Outer Edge) 1,150 million miles Glyth 950 million miles Garden 750 million miles H’Catha 350 million miles Sphere Wall 750 million miles (from center) *rounded to the nearest million
  The Frigid Badlands, much like the Arcus Belt, forms an orbiting ring of floating debris around the system of Realmspace. Unlike the Arcus Belt, the debris in the Frigid Badlands is composed of frozen water ice clusters. Despite the abundant source of water in this region, there are very few creatures willing to live here due to the freezing temperatures of wildspace so far away from the Sun. Also like the Arcus Belt, the distance between asteroids can be as close as a few dozen feet or as far as a several miles, with collisions between the asteroids being rare. Due to its inhospitable environment, the Frigid Badlands region is treated only as a transitional barrier by most hyperspeed vessel crews, with occasional stops within it to replenish water supplies. It is rumored that certain types of valuable crystals can be found in the Badlands; a number of entrepreneurial survey expeditions have been sent into the area for the purpose of finding crystal deposits, much to no avail.
  The greatest treasures that have actually been discovered in the Frigid Badlands are the frozen carcasses of ancient creatures; these carcasses are perfectly preserved within the icy confinements of the asteroids, and are believed to be remnants of the Dawn War, in which gods and primordials fought for dominion of entire crystal spheres. Casualties of the Dawn War included monsters of myth and legend, all of whom may possibly be found floating silently in the Badlands.
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