
  ASTRONOMICAL TYPE: TERRESTRIAL SPHERE DIAMETER*: 9,100 miles CIRCUMFERENCE*: 28,600 miles DAY LENGTH: 30 hours YEAR LENGTH: 10,726 days ENVIRONMENT CLASS: Temperate *diameter and circumference are rounded to the nearest 100. Satellites Haven (moon) MingAbwe (moon) Polluter(moon) Rings of Glyth Notable Hazards acid rain Blizzards Corrosive Pools Explosive Pools Geysers Hurricanes Tornadoes Tremors
  Glyth is the sixth planet from the Sun, being located 1,000 million miles from it. It is a ringed planet with a rocky, barren surface that is completely uninhabitable. Beneath the surface, though, there is a vast, underground complex run by mind flayers. This complex is powered by some kind of strange, organic technology and is overseen by a vast elder brain that seems to permeate the entire complex. The mind flayers are completely self-sustaining. They have large numbers of humanoid “cattle”, which they breed and keep in permanently in simulation baths. These simulation baths psionically simulate experiences and sensations for the humanoids, causing them to believe they're living whole other lives on Toril. This allows the mind flayers to gain the pleasure of devouring intellectually stimulated minds, with none of the risks that come from having educated cattle. Despite their insular nature and the fact that their complex is completely self-sustaining, the mind flayers of Glyth still have a navy that patrols Realmspace. This is because the mind flayers of Glyth are paranoid; live in constant fear that their enemies are plotting against them. As such, their navy exists to protect Glyth from direct threats, and to subtly undermine any potential threats to their planet.
  Spelljamming ships known as nautiloids (described in the Astral Adventurer’s Guide) patrol the space within 100 million miles of Glyth and hide behind the planet’s three moons. This is not surprising because mind flayers are the undisputed masters of Glyth. The planet’s air smells like it came from a charnel house, but it is not poisonous. The surface of the planet is a desolate wasteland, but beneath the crust is a labyrinth of subterranean caves inhabited by mind flayer colonies.
  PLANET NAME: Glyth PLANET TYPE: Spherical earth body PLANET SIZE: E ESCAPE TIME: 4 turns SATELLITES: 3 moons, and ring DAY LENGTH: 30 hours, 30 minutes YEAR LENGTH: 360 months POPULATION ANALYSIS: Mind flayers and many humanoid races. DISTANCE/TIME FROM: The Sun 1,000 million miles 10 days travel Anadia 950-1,050 million miles 9.5-10.5 days trave Coliar 900-1,100 million miles 9-11 days travel Toril 800-1,200 million miles 8-12 days travel Karpri 700-1,300 million miles 7-13 days travel Chandos 600-1,400 million miles 6-14 days travel Garden 200-2,200 million miles 2-22 days travel H’Catha 600-2,600 million miles 6-26 days travel Sphere 2,200 million miles 22 days travel Description Glyth is the sixth planet in the Realms’ solar system, and it is a sad world in¬deed. The atmosphere is so foul that entering it reminds visitors of a charnel house or a dead for¬est during a severe fire. In fact, forest fires do regularly sweep across the charred surface of the planet, burning anything that had the oppor¬tunity to get a foothold in the soil. What forests do remain are in control of the underground¬dwelling inhabitants of the planet. The rest are purposely burned off to limit the possible hiding places for their runaway cattle. Eighty percent of the planet is land, while the other 20% consists of a mysterious gelatinous substance. This substance contains a large quantity of water, but the feel is similar to gela¬tin. If this gelatin is eaten, it safely satisfies any thirst as if it were water. The positive thing about this strange gelatinous water is that it never turns brackish like regular water, nor does it freeze. Glyth has a large ring that orbits the planet at the equator. This beautiful feature can be seen clearly from the planet’s surface both day and night. During the day, the ring looks similar to a perfectly formed cloud, with sharp edges. Dur¬ing the night, soft oranges, reds, and blues can be seen in its spiraling arcs. It often casts a weak shadow onto the planet during the daytime as well. The three moons that surround Glyth are very beautiful, too. The largest is a class В planetary body, while the other two are small class A bodies. All three are spherical in shape, but the smallest is more oval. This egg-shaped moon is actually an illithid base known as Haven. Climate The planet is warm, but the contin¬ually raging fires have almost destroyed its air envelope. The atmosphere rains frequently as a way to rid itself of the lingering smoke particles. These rains are somewhat acidic, though. Whenever a visitor is exposed to the rain, he must roll a Constitution check or suffer one point of damage. This is rolled only once per day, no matter how many times it may have rained during that 30 hour and 30 minute day. The poles are capped with ice like most plan¬ets, but nothing lives there. The ice and snow here is dirty. A sage specializing in illithids once came here, drilled into the ice, and discovered that the resident mind flayers have been on the planet for only a century or so. The gelatinous oceans are surprisingly pure. Even with the atmospheric poisoning and the acidic rains, they have maintained a purity not seen even in virgin landscapes. A sage ran tests on the gelatin, and found that particulates de¬posited on its surface quickly sift through it to the bottom. He then theorized that anything un¬fortunate enough to land on the seas is actually sucked down, until all the gelatin is sitting above it. Ports of Call Spelljamming races are wel¬come at Mingabwe, the Class В moon orbiting Glyth, but otherwise there are no safe places to park a spelljammer near Glyth. The illithids at Haven patrol the Glyth space in case of attack from approaching intruders. Haven, a Class A planetary body, is a hollowed asteroid that is a neutral ground between war¬ring illithid factions. This port is entered by passing through the large hole at Haven’s south¬ern pole. Only illithids are completely welcome here. All others must have very important mat¬ters to discuss, or they may never escape. Mingabwe is fairly safe, and often used as a spaceport. The problem with this port of call is that it is completely vacant except for the pala¬din, Justin “Do Good” Demonslayer, who took residence here over 10 years ago. There is not another living soul on the whole moon, except for the plants and insects. Spelljammers can dock here for free, and there is a great deal of food that can be taken, although the crew must pick it from the plants themselves. There is wa¬ter here as well, but it is becoming scarce, so plant growth is beginning to suffer. On Glyth itself, there are several naturally oc¬curring spelljamming dry docks. Each of these docks is owned and operated by a different il¬lithid faction. These mind flayers are very jealous of their docks, so they live near them in order to protect them from other illithid factions. When their slave guards warn them of ships preparing to dock that do not possess the cor¬rect flag, the illithids send their slaves up against the approaching spelljammer, blot knowing or caring whether the ship belongs to a friend or foe, they want only to ensure that the ship doesn’t get the chance to do any damage. Often, factions’ ships can be seen lying in the dry docks completely unmanned and alone. The illithids, however, use that tactic to bring ene¬mies and runaway slaves in closer, so they can be captured and eventually eaten. Resources/Trade This planet is completely useless to trade ships. Very few humanoids will¬ingly deal with the illithids because their reputa¬tion is well known. The illithids do trade with others of their own kind, but they refuse to trade with a faction that is their current enemy, even if it means missing out on great wealth. The illithids often trade their food cattle—hu¬manoids—to others in order to try out someone else’s breeding process, all with a goal of in¬creasing the flavor of the brain. During the years the mind flayers have brought the art of selec¬tive breeding to a culinary success. These skull cattle are kept on ranches in what forests remain on this burned-out world. The il-lithids laughingly call these dismal locations Skull Sod. The humanoids are herded from one location to the next, from this watering hole, to that pasture; the constant moving keeps their sense of direction off. The humanoids are well cared for, as far as herded animal care goes. On Glyth, the illithids are trying a different breeding technique from those on the rings. When a new humanoid is born, he is placed in a school where learning begins immediately. This process of forced learning continues until the subject is 18 years of age. At that point, the subject is tested and mea¬sured to assess his total brain capacity. If he is in the top five percent, he is given the right to breed—this is also used as a motivator for the humanoids to learn more. Those not in the top percentage are sold to other illithids for dietary intake. The lowest five percentage are outright killed and devoured by the illithids who run the ranch. All of this ensures the continuation of only the smartest cattle—humanoids who are ld4 intelli-gence and wisdom points smarter than the aver¬age human, to a maximum of 20. Unfortunately, none of them ever make it off the ranch, be¬cause the adventuring spirit has been long bred out of them as well. The humanoids granted breeding rights are encouraged to produce as many children as physically possible. These breeders are never sold as brain food until their abilities to produce are extinguished. All the while, they are taught everything possible, except spells that can be used as a method of attack or escape. The hap¬less humanoids never discover their real pur¬pose for the mind flayers. The herds believe the illithids are a race of teachers who are preparing them for the outside worlds. Another popular commodity is spider mon¬keys stolen from the jungles of Toril. There are raised in the equatorial forests. Many of the monkeys, however, end up escaping. This makes their brains as expensive as those of hu¬manoids. The illithids do trade with other spelljammers on occasion, but they seem to buy slaves only from evil races. The illithids also pirate when¬ever they get the opportunity, because they have little other chance to introduce more money into the illithid trade exchange. The Under-underdark: Deep in the ground, deep even by mind flayer standards, lives a group of terrorists—humanoids known as the Free Thinkers Union. The FTU occasionally leads raids into the illithid areas of control, in hopes of retrieving and saving as many of their brethren as possible. None of the FTU members are afraid of death. They realize that they would die at the hands of the mind flayers anyway, and dying in the serv¬ice of one’s fellows is an honorable death. It is believed that they number several hundred now, but that is only speculation. It would be impos¬sible for outsiders to locate or speak with them, because the illithids are between the surface of the planet and them. They must be very successful, because the il¬lithids are constantly trying to find their location to exterminate them.
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