
MINOR BODY NAME: Haven MINOR BODY TYPE: Spherical earth body Haven is a small Class A planetary body that resides between the first and second rings in the Glyth’s ring system. Haven is actually a hollow asteroid that creates the first gap in the rings be¬cause of its gravitational forces. It is a nonde¬script chunk of rock that appears completely lifeless. Outside Haven, a cave opening can be seen on the southern pole. This is where the illithids ma-neuver their spelljamming ships into the aste¬roid. Inside the cave opening, the asteroid is com¬pletely hollow. Many varieties of molds, fungi, and mushrooms constantly purify the air. The il¬lithids park their ships inside to conduct trade agreements, settle disputes, and create plans for expansion. The gravity on this moon is spherical. When standing on the outside, gravity allows the per¬son to stand normally, with his head away from the center of the moon. The inside, however, works exactly opposite. When standing, the per¬son’s head points toward the center of the moon, while gravity keeps the feet attached to the inner surface of the moon. The inside of the moon is oxygenated, but be¬cause of the gravitational uniqueness of this moon, air does not adhere to the outside of the moon. The illithids are known to attack all non-il- lithid races entering the moon, unless the busi¬ness to be conducted is very much to their benefit.
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