Lance, Illithid

  Lance, Illithid ship by Andrew Allen description by MS Rper See more of Andrew Allen's Gallery! document last updated on the 6th of April, 2003
  Built By: Illithids Used Primarily By: Illithids Tonnage: 15 tons Hull Points: 15 Crew: 1/15 Maneuver Class: B Landing- Land: No Landing- Water: Yes Armor Rating: 6 Saves As: Thick Wood Power Type: Series Helm (65%), Lifejammer (20%), Pool Helm (15%) Ship's Rating: 2-5 (series Helm), as Per victim (Lifejammer), 5 (Pool helm) Standard Armament: 1 Medium Ballista (2 Crew) 1 Shearing Lance (4 Crew) 1 Piercing Ram Cargo: 7 tons Keel Length: 145' Beam Width: 20' Cost: 20,000 Gold Pieces Description The Illithid Lance is the most recent addition to the Illithid line of ship designs perhaps heralding an attempt at resurgence. The smallest Illithid design thus far, the Lance retains the shell design of the Nautiloid and Dreadnought. Beneath and aft of the typical piercing ram is an adjustable Shearing Lance. Designed to cut away the rigging and masts of opposing ships, the Shearing Lance holds with the Illithid tactics of taking prisoners instead of destroying opponents outright. Although normally outfitted with a Series Helm, occasionally a Lifejammer or a Pool helm is installed to limit the need of helmsmen. Slaves serve as weapons crew and as lookouts. As on all Illithid ships the Slaves also serve as rations on long voyages. Crew Though the ship can be handled by a single helmsman/captain, its usual compliment of Crew consists of 7 Illithids (Captain, First officer/navigator and five helmsmen for the Series Helm) and up to 8 slaves. Sometimes in service as an escort (See below) the slaves are dispensed with and the Illithid numbers are increased to 15. Ship Uses Escort/Support Vessel: The most common use of the Lance is in the form of a close escort and support vessel for the Nautiloid and occasionally the Dreadnought. As an Escort the Lance has no need of a Ballista crew. It uses its often superior maneuverability to shear away the rigging of enemy vessels while the Nautiloid pounds away with its weapons. As a support vessel it retains its usual crew compliment and is used to facilitate crew transfers between the larger vessels. Courier: In Illithid-held space the Lance sees use as a courier vessel. It's small size and minimal crew requirements make it perfect for the job. Often a Courier lance has only a Captain/Helmsman and two slaves to man the ballista. Other Configurations Smuggler: In this configuration sails are added to top out the rigging increasing the Maneuverability to Class A but it adds 2 to the minimum crew requirements. The slave quarters are gutted to increase the cargo capacity to 10 tons although the Armor Rating becomes 7. Illithids rarely use this configuration themselves but other races, particularly the Neogi find them useful to transport illegal goods through unfriendly space. 'Heavy Lance' Raider Class: This configuration of the basic Lance has seen use in some of the areas the Illithid are advancing into. The hull is thickened and plated with steel giving it an Armor Rating of 4. The Maneuverability drops to class C and the cargo capacity becomes 5 tons. The medium Ballista is removed and replaced with a Heavy Ballista. This reduces the Cargo space to 3 tons. Heavy Lances are rarely long range vessels due to the limited space for supplies. Ship Card Illustration
  Illustration (Color)
  "Arrr, now, lads! Avast, and shiver me timbers! There be buckets o' blood aplenty spilled, and our coffers filled wi'gold 'ere we be seen back at port! What d'ya say to that?" — Last words of Privateer Captain Leon "Redbeard" McCubbins, killed by his own crew because of his accent
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