
Man-o-War In the Elven Imperial Navy, the Man-o-War is second only to the Elven Armada. Quick, versatile, and powerful, the Man-o-War looks much like a massive plant-like moth or butterfly flying through space. With its powerful wings, it can quickly move itself into a better position for attacks. This has made the Man-o- War one of the more maneuverable ships in space and a terror for the enemies of the Elven Imperial Navy. Model Variations The Man-o-War comes in a handful of varieties, but like the Cutter, the most commonly available ones are not grown in the Elven Imperial Navy shipyards but built out of wood. Starfly Hull The starfly variant is the original grown by the Elven Imperial Navy. This variant is exceptionally difficult to find if one isn't given one by the Elven Imperial Navy. This variant gains the following feature: Starfly Hull. This ship can be healed by the Repair Hull spell multiple times per day. Thick Wood Hull This is the wooden variant crafted by shipwrights not associated with the Elven Imperial Navy. This variant is more commonly found, but its speed is reduced to 2,500 ft. (90°). Fighter Carrier This variation was originally designed by the Elven Imperial Navy, but other shipwrights have also begun to mimic its design. When grown by elves, this variation is the same as the starfly, but its speed is reduced to 2,500 ft. (45°) and it loses 3 of its medium hardpoints. In exchange, its cargo hold is increased to 50 tons. When created by other shipwrights, this variation is the same as the thick wood hull, except its speed is reduced to 2,500ft (45°), it loses 3 of its medium hardpoints, and its AC is reduced to 15. XT I In exchange for these reductions, the cargo hold on both types is increased to 50 tons. This allows the Man-o-War to carry up to 10 fighter bays for deploying fighter craft, whether they be Battle Flitters or Blades. The Elven Imperial Navy almost exclusively use this variation for carrying large numbers of elven bladesingers prepared to use their swordsmanship skills in a Spirit Warrior. / / / Mobile Saloon This variation is usually created by independent elves or dwarves that are looking to make it into a saloon. This variation usually starts as the thick wood hull, and then has its speed reduced to 2,500ft (45°) and its AC reduced to 15 in exchange for \ its cargo hold increasing to 42 tons. This storage space is used for stockpiling anything that travelers might pay a premium for. Most of the time, this is alcohol or drugs. After months of travel, most sailors are more than willing to pay the considerably higher Д
  і і Man-o-War Elven Frigate (2x2) Armor Class 16 Hull Points 250 Bulwark Points 26 Speed 2,500 ft. (135°) Crew (Min/Max) 10/60 Cargo Hold 30 tons Days of Air 7,200 days Landing Space docks only Cost 120,000gp Hardpoints 5 medium Fore Mantle N/A Evasive. When the Helmsman takes Evasive Maneuvers, this ship can immediately move 500 feet in any direction. Maneuverable Sails. This ship can rotate the direction it faces before it moves instead of after it moves. Trick Shot. When the Helmsman uses Evasive Maneuvers or Wingbeat, one Gunner can use their reaction to make single weapon attack against a target in range. Wingbeat (3/Day). As a bonus action, the Helmsman can turn this ship up to its maneuverability and then immediately move backward 1,500 feet in a straight line. Example Weapons 5x12-PounderLong Gun. Ship Weapon Attack:+8 to hit, range 5,000/15,000 ft., Fixed 2x front, 1x port, 1x starboard, 1x port, one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) mega bludgeoningdamage. prices of the mobile saloon owners. Mobile saloons also tend to carry food, water, star charts, and just about any standard commodity a wildjammer in space might need, so long as they are willing to pay more than market value for it.
  MAN-O-WAR 1 medium catapult Crew: 3 1 medium jettison Crew: 3 Cargo: 30 tons Keel Length: 200* Beam Length: 20' Description Built on the largest hull available outside of the great armadas (see be­low), the man-o-war is a highly ma­neuverable, well-built ship. These elven ships are grown from glossy, rel­atively brittle plants, giving them their shiny, ethereal appearance. The ships remain “alive," much like a tree, throughout their life. The man-o-war’s crystalline wings require constant pruning and shaping to keep the ship from becoming too unwieldy. All elven ships may be repaired in the normal fashion since blocks of wood and even stone can be grafted onto the ship. This is possible as long as 20% of the ship remains in its original position. Losses beyond that point are unrepairable. Even if the ship should survive a battle in which over 80% of its original structure is damaged, it will need to have its hull fully restored (at twice the listed price for such repairs).
  Crew The crew of an elven man-o-war depends greatly upon what it’s being used for. Adventuring ships have few set positions below captain, while na­val vessels have a highly structured chain of command. Ship Uses Free Adventuring: The elven man- o-war is a good adventuring craft for deep space. As long as the ship’s users have no intention of making planetfall with the craft, it should serve them well. In addition, any character with forester or wood­work і ng/carpentry proficiency should be able to keep the ship in good trim. On such adventuring vessels, standard positions are loose below the level of captain and owner. Ad­venturers usually paint colorful signs and sigils on the ship and the grace­ful wings of the man-o-war. One nota­ble exception to this is the Company of the Singing Void, whose man-o- war is painted jet black to match the space between the stars. Military: The man-o-war is the workhorse of the elven Imperial Navy, and as such is found in great numbers where these ships swarm. The organization of the naval man-o- war’s crew is much tighter than on an adventurer’s ship, with an organized chain of command ranging from the captain through the first, second, and third officers, primary and sec­ondary helmsmen, and elves as­signed to the various battle pits throughout the ship, such as fire­fighting, boarding, and weapon teams. The helm of an elven naval vessel is located in the midsection of the ship, just below the bridge. The bridge itself sits squarely on the back of the man-o-war between the wings. Forward, within the "head" of the butterfly, are the twin ballistas, firing
  from positions in the eyes. The cata­pult is located just to the rear of the bridge and is covered by a retract­able dome. Finally, at the rear of the ship's abdomen, is a medium jetti­son, located just aft of the cargo bays. The elven navy adheres strictly to this particular man-o-war design. In­dividual captains and admirals who change the basics of the craft are reprimanded (though often along with a commendation for battles won using those unofficial modifica­tions). Other Configurations Personal Modifications: Adven­turers are not so limited as the navy in their perception of the man-o-war, such that lower-armored, heavier- winged craft are common (with a re­duction of AR to 8 and an increase in MC to B). Sacrificing maneuverabil­ity for better armor is much less com­mon, since speed and turns seem to resolve man-o-war battles more than armor. Weaponry is also up to the user, though most captains shy away from bombards, greek fire, and other fire-using and explosive devices due to the nature of the ship. Wild Men-o-war: If cast adrift and left to themselves, men-o-war (and almost all elven craft) continue to grow, their crystalline wings curling in on themselves in ornate spirals. If such a ship is found in the wilds of space, and made functional, its MC would be E, and its AR 9 (older growths are more brittle). These poor ratings could be corrected by repairs to the ship equal to restoring half its hull points, done by individ­uals skilled in forestry or wood­working.
  Название: Военкор (Man-o-War) Построен: Эльфами Преимущественно используется: Эльфами, некоторыми людьми Стоимость: 240,000gp Тоннаж: 60 тонн Очки корпуса (HP): 60 Экипаж: 10/60 Класс маневренности (MC): C Посадка – на землю: Нет Посадка – на воду: Нет Показатель бронезащиты (AR): 7 Спас-броски: Керамика Тип движителя: Главное кормило Скорость (SR): Зависит от кормчего Стандартное вооружение: 2 Средних баллисты (1 – Н-ЛБ, 1 – Н-ПБ) Расчет: 2 у каждой 1 Средняя катапульта (Н) Расчет: 3 1 Средний джеттисон (К) Расчет: 3 Грузовая вместимость: 30 тонн Длина киля (KL): 200 футов Ширина бимса (BW): 20 футов Описание: Построенный на самом крупном из доступных эльфам корпусов, не считая армады, военкор – высокоманевренный, надежный корабль. Эти эльфийские корабли выращиваются из блестящих, относительно хрупких растений, что дает им блестящий, воздушный облик. Каждый корабль остается живым, во многом как дерево, всю свою жизнь. Поэтому кристаллические крылья военкора требуют постоянной подрезки и ухода, чтобы корабль не стал слишком неуклюжим. Хорошее судно для приключений в глубоком космосе, этот корабль неплохо послужит своим хозяевам. Подобно всем эльфийским кораблям, военкоры можно чинить обычным способом, поскольку судну легко можно привить каменные или деревянные блоки. Поэтому любой персонаж с навыками работы по дереву или плотника будет способен поддерживать корабль в хорошем состоянии.
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