Prince Andru

Prince Andru Cozar

Str 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 16   Andru is a tall, slender, graceful man of 44 years. As a youth he studied some magic, but soon took up the study of statecraft and intrigue. When Frun died, Andru arranged the murder of Calar and lives in fear of a similar fate. He is rarely found without powerful protective magic and nu­merous bodyguards.   Andru is a self-serving, devious man who has come to believe that the end justifies the means. His chief goal is the consolidation of his own power and the subjugation of all who live on the Rock to his authority. However, as matters stand, he is but one of the many powers of Bral.   Prince Andru’s unscrupulous nature does not mean that he is a tyrant, nor does he lack a sense of humor. He is considered to be one of the most talented and charming diplomats in all of Wild­space, and he is rarely hostile or threatening to his callers. l  


  A tall, slender, graceful man in his mid-forties.  


  As a youth Prince Andru studied some magic, but soon took up the study of statecraft and intrigue. When [his father] Frun died, Andru arranged the murder of [his brother] Calar and lives in fear of a similar fate. He is rarely found without powerful protective magic and numerous bodyguards.  


  Andru is a self-serving, devious man who has come to believe that the end justifies the means. His chief goals are consolidating his own power and subjugating all who live on the Rock to his authority. However, as matters stand, he is but one of the many powers of Bral.   Prince Andru's unscrupulous nature does not mean that he is a tyrant, nor does he lack a sense of humor. He is considered one of the most talented and charming diplomats in all of Wildspace, and he rarely acts hostile or threatening to his callers.
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Neutral Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Bral, Starhaven


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