Squid ship

The Squid Ship is generally considered to be one of the best ships of human design found in space. Although some people believe that the original creation was created by prisoners escaping from a mind flayer breeding colony, no one really knows who created the first Squid Ship. What is clear is that the simplicity in the design, it's solid compliment of hardpoints, low crew requirement, thick hull, and competitive pricing make the Squid Ship a favorite in the market. This wildjammer sees use as a trader, as a military ship, for adventurers, and even for pirates. Just about everyone can find something they like in a Squid Ship.  

Squid Ship

  Among the oldest types of spelljamming vessels, squid ships are popular with privateers and are often used as patrol ships. Standard weapons on a squid ship include a forward-mounted mangonel, two aft-mounted ballistae, and a reinforced bow for ramming. The tentacles that extend from the bow account for nearly half the ship’s keel length. Squid ships can float and sail on water, and can land on ground.   The straight lines and good ma­neuverability of the squid ship make it one of the most popular vessels of its size. It is usually used for trading, exploration, and privateering.  


  The squid ship’s simple design al­lows a relatively small crew to handle the rigging and maneuvering. The captain is usually found on the aft deck, where he gets a good view of most of the ship. The spelljammer helm is usually located directly be­neath the captain’s station, with communications to the helm via speaking tube.   Human ships typically have an ob­vious captain’s bridge, while the helm remains hidden. The damage to morale from the loss of a captain in combat is nothing in comparison to the loss of the ship’s spelljammer helm.   Typical positions on board a squid ship include captain, first officer, helmsman/spelljammer, and naviga­tor. A weaponmaster is often needed if the ship carries more than one large weapon. The weaponmaster is responsible for the maintenance of the weapons, as well as aiming the weapons during battle.  

Ship Uses

  Trading: The bulk of squid ships are free traders, privately owned ves­sels that drift from planet to planet, usually speculating in rare items (such as gems, magic, and illegal goods). A trader usually has a core crew of 12, though captains often hire additional men if their trader is passing through an “active’’ section of space. “Active,1* in this instance, specifically refers to sections of space where there are hostile forces in open conflict.   Piracy: Squid ships are a favorite vessel for reavers, pirates who roam far from their base looking for easy plunder. Capable of laying in wait for other ships for a long time, the pirate squid ships carry a full crew of 35, usually fighters of level 2-4. They also carry a second mage in addition to the spelljamming mage or priest. This mage is usually less powerful than the primary spelljammer and is often placed at risk in boarding situa­tions. Squid ships used for piracy usually use a grappling ram (see be­low).   Military: The simple design and size of the squid ship makes it a com­mon choice for human space navies as both a defensive warning craft and an assault vehicle. For short dis­tances and actions close to base, a naval squid ship will overload (carry more than its standard complement of troops) to repel attackers. Such ships will replace their medium bal­listas with heavy versions (see below).   Free Adventuring: The size of the squid ship and its capability to land on water makes it ideal for adventur­ers exploring brave new worlds (and bringing back the more profitable parts of them). These versions often have additional armor or increased maneuverability, depending on the temperaments of the users.  

Other Configurations

  Alternate Power Sources: Squid ships normally use major or minor spelljammer helms, and as such carry at least one spellcaster as a helms­man. Serial or pool helms are often used as reserve or replacement helms. Artifurnaces and (for the re­ally desperate) gnomish furnaces have been found on squid ships, as well.   Naval Weapons: The medium bal­listas are replaced by heavy versions. These are often used when the ship can overload on manpower or in de­fensive situations.   Added Armor: An additional layer of wood strengthened by copper bands is laid inside the existing hull, increasing protection at a sacrifice of maneuverability. The AR is raised to 4, but the MC drops to D.   Alternate Ram: Favored by pirates and others preferring boarding actions to ship-to-ship combat, the grappling ram sometimes replaces the piercing ram on squid ships. Such vessels usually carry the full complement of troops.   Lizard Man Crews: A large number of squid ships controlled by lizard men tribes are used as transports. Others, used as incubators for lizard man eggs, take their cargos in tight orbits around solar bodies. Between 1-6 tons of a lizard man egg ship are used for the cargo of eggs, with an­other 2-8 tons being used for plants. Lizard man ships tend to be over­grown with plant life to help recharge the air. They are also often heavily painted in bright colors.   Lizard Man Incubators: Prior to the introduction of the Bloatfly, lizard men tribes preferred the Squid Ship for use as an incubator for their eggs. Many of these Incubators have yet to be replaced by Bloatflies, and can still be found in close orbit around fire bodies to ensure that the carried eggs are properly warmed, producing stronger, more intelligent offspring. These ships have a flooded cargo deck, in which various plants and algae grow, both to replenish the air envelope and to provide the proper environment for the eggs.  

Squid Ship

  Armor Class 15 (wood)   Cargo: 22 tons   Tonnage: 45 tons   Hit Points: 300 Damage Threshold: 15   Crew: 13   Max Creature Capacity: 45   Keel/Beam: 250 ft./25 ft.   Speed: Fly 150 ft. (17½ mph)   Cost: 25,000 gp   Days of Air 5400 days   Landing: Water  

Squid Ship Summary


Model Variations

  There are countless Squid Ship variations thanks to its versatile design and wide appeal. Here are just a few of the ones you might find.  

War Squid

  This variation has the cargo hold reduced to 16 tons in exchange for the two medium hardpoints becoming large hardpoints, allowing for heavier weaponry.  

Light Squid

  This variation was built for those captains that see value in maneuverability over a thicker hull. In exchange for the ship's AC reducing to 15, its speed increases to 2,500 ft. (135°).  

Heavy Squid

thickening the hull substantially, its AC is increased to 17, making this Squid Ship better able to shrug off attacks.  

Crasping Squid

  Among the rarest variations to be found, this Squid Ship was designed to replace its distinctive ram with the something akin to the tentacles on a Nautiloid. Due to the scarcity of materials, this variant increases the cost to 60,000gp. This variation loses the Piercing Ram feature and gains the Grasping Tentacles feature.   Grasping Tentacles. This ship is designed with four large tentacles that extend out ahead of it. When the Helmsman takes the Collide bridge crew action, they can instead move up to half this ship’s speed and then make a special ship weapon attack using their spellcasting ability modifier against a ship or creature within 500 feet. The Helmsman is proficient with this weapon. On hit, this weapon deals 11 (2d10) mega bludgeoning damage and if the target is Sloop size (1 xl) or smaller, the target is grappled (escape DC 13).   Название: Кальмар (Squid Ship) Построен: Людьми   Преимущественно используется: Людьми   Стоимость: 45,000gp   Тоннаж: 45 тонн   Очки корпуса (HP): 45   Экипаж: 12/45   Класс маневренности (MC): D     Посадка – на землю: Нет   Посадка – на воду: Да   Показатель бронезащиты (AR): 5   Спас-броски: Толстое дерево   Тип движителя: Главное или малое кормило   Скорость (SR): Зависит от кормчего   Стандартное вооружение: 1 Тяжелая катапульта (3600) Расчет: 5   2 Средних баллисты (1 – К-ЛБ, 1 – К-ПБ) Расчет: 2 у каждой   Колющий таран (Н)   Грузовая вместимость: 23 тонны   Длина киля (KL): 250 футов   Ширина бимса (BW): 25 футов   Описание: Кальмары известны по всему космосу. Несмотря на внешность головоногого, ими никогда не пользуются живодеры разума, поскольку его замкнутое пространство слишком мало для этой осторожной и боящейся света расы. Многие ученые верят, что первоначальная конструкция корабля была создана восставшими заключенными рабского мира иллитидов, сливших воедино элементы людской и живодерской конструкции.   Прямые линии и хорошая маневренность вкупе с сокрушительным тараном делают кальмар одним из наиболее популярных кораблей своего размера. Обычно он используется для торговли, исследований и каперства. Способные долго поджидать в засаде прочие корабли, кальмары пиратов несут полный экипаж из 45 персон, обычно бойцов 2-5 уровней. Также там находится второй маг, обычно не столь могучий, в добавление к кормчему магу или жрецу.  

Weapons & Armament

2 Ballistae (Crew: 3 Each)

  Armor Class: 15   Hit Points: 50   Cost: 800 gp (ballista), 5 gp (bolt)   It takes 1 action to load a ballista, 1 action to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.   Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.  

Mangonel (Crew: 5)

  Armor Class: 15   Hit Points: 100   Cost: 1000 gp (mangonel), — (stone)   It takes 2 actions to load the mangonel, 2 actions to aim it, and 1 action to fire it.   Mangonel Stone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft. (can’t hit targets within 60 feet of it), one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage.  

Piercing Ram

  Armor Class:  Hit Points:  Cost: — (included in ship cost)   The ship’s spelljammer can make the following attack when the ship runs into another object or into a Gargantuan creature (The ship’s spelljammer can make the following attack when the ship runs into another object or into a Gargantuan creature (see “Crashing” in chapter 2 of Astral Adventurer’s Guide).   Piercing Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 0 ft., one object or Gargantuan creature. Hit: 88 (16d10) piercing damage. The squid ship takes half as much damage and comes to a dead stop. Miss: The attack deals no damage, the target moves into the nearest unoccupied space that isn’t in the squid ship’s path, and the squid ship can continue moving if it has any movement left.
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