The Rings of Glyth

MINOR BODY NAME: The Rings of Glyth MINOR BODY TYPE: Planetary ring The Rings of Glyth is astronomically unique in the Realm’s sphere, consisting of small aste¬roids and ice balls, similar to those found on the system’s comets. The ring begins about 7,000 miles from the surface of the planet, and ends just over 20,000 miles later. About 100 miles thick at it widest point, it averages out to about 50 miles wide. The ring actually features several minor rings throughout its structure. The inner ring, which appears to be perfectly flat and translucent when viewed from afar, is actually composed of rounded chunks of dirty ice and boulders. These are spaced evenly throughout the ring’s 7,000-mile length. The second ring is separated from the first by a small Class A planetary body called Haven. This ring is made of asteroids that have aligned themselves according to color. These lines of colored bodies weave themselves into the other colored bands to create a braided look to the ring. This ring is 700 miles wide. The third ring is separated from the second by 400 miles, so this ring is considered as the fourth ring. Very dark and relatively large ob¬jects take their residence in the ring; none of the objects are less than 300 feet across. It is ru¬mored that this is a base for the notorious piracy group called Code Helm. This ring is 6,000 miles wide. The fourth and last ring is one of the most un¬usual. Here, tiny asteroids are wedged close to-gether, appearing like the spokes of a wagon wheel. Each spoke is separated from the others by thousands of miles. Groundlings: Several colonies of oortlings live on the rings, surviving by eating the ice chunks or ice asteroids that make up much of the rings. The oortlings are docile because of the selective breeding techniques of the il- lithids. They were taken from many of the com¬ets within the system and placed here by several breeders so they can be watched constantly. The oortlings cringe in fear from even the slightest possibility of violence. If they are in ex¬treme pain or have lost all their senses, they are known to scratch and bite. As an attack, this is quite feeble, inflicting only ld2 points of dam¬age each. The mind flayers herd these small humanoids into tight colonies called skull farms. The illithid keep the males and female purposely separated, so they can select the best from each sex to breed. The size and positioning of the brain is important, so measurements are taken on each oortling at least twice a month. The docile mentality is an im¬portant factor to the mind flayers as well. Oortlings with the properly selected brains are placed together for breeding purposes. All others are held in captivity until their brains fin¬ish the predetermined growth pattern. At that point, they are sold to individual illithids and restaurant owners for public distribution. Luck¬ily, not all the oortlings have been captured by the mind flayers.
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